It’s GD… so maybe.
I level alts until I hit sixty and land in dragon lands. Then I lose the will to play at that level and reroll again.
I haven’t raided since cataclysm and I never will again lol. No way I’m committing 2-3 nights a week to a set raiding schedule when I have a full time job, wife, kids, and a house to take care of. I’ll stick with logging on when I want and pugging m+ on my schedule
I kinda know what you mean. At first I liked DF better than Systemlands but I’ve already taken several breaks in DF and I’ve never found this hard to find the motivation to get all 13 of my characters to max level.
Why would you say that? The game is solely about M+ and what the players want.
In that case, I don’t raid.
Then again, I don’t M+ or PvP either, so…
I liked SL better.
There’s just way too much going on. Too many currencies, games complex for no reason at times.
Since we had Systemlands I guess this can be Currency Flight. I agree too many currencies and professions are a joke with how overcomplicated they are.
I much prefer raiding. But man this xpac has no difficulty in its raids, I fall asleep playing it…
M+ got a lot less interesting after the affix changes too imo.
raiding is too boring and easy until mythic and then it’s too boring and hard
Yeah man but don’t worry you can do some dragon races in durotar. Oh and you can be eredar now too. The race that you’ve had to kill every couple expansions because they’re evil. But now they’re not, because questline.
And the new Dracthyr class/race is great. Always looked forward to playing an androgynous dragon. One with A cup option, or B cup option.
It depends on your definition. Does paying for portals and AotC count?
I agree on everything except Dracthyr. I didn’t like the class/race from the first introduction but I thought ok I’ll at least try. Played one for a few hours and said NOPE and deleted. I have a 50 or higher of every other class but will never have an Evoker.
I like to go fishing
First thing I did in DF, max fishing. You know how to play WoW.
I’ve long stopped raiding. I’ll do the occasional LFR here and there but organized raiding just isn’t my jam anymore. At some point they turned more into work meetings than fun ventures like when I was a newer player. Boss gathers us up, tells us what to do for a couple hours, then we all log off. To get into the “friendship” status of guilds these days is too much of a hit or miss, as people come in various shades.
Most of the time there’s already an established clique or in crowd in guilds and the rest of us are just filler to do numbers. If that’s the case, I’d rather be a filler in quick and easily accessible content like mythic plus, especially if it gives me just as powerful gear.
I really hope you’re joking
Link us the poll that shows that an “overwhelming majority” voted to remove everything from the game except M+.
Everyone swears that what they want is what the “overwhelming majority” wants too.