Who Has The Best Heritage Armor?

And why is it the Lightforged Draenei?

Okay, all jokes aside, which race has the second best looking heritage armor?


dark iron and maghar close second

You spelled Void Elf wrong.


Excuse me sir, we’re trying to have a serious discussion here.

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You can’t see it under my helm but I’m giving you the most deadpan serious look I can muster.

It doesn’t matter since there isn’t heritage weapons.

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Which is why Lightforge > ALL

My tauren is 104, I’m that much closer to having the best heritage armor in the game.

Belf Plate can sort of look like Spell Breakers.

There really should have been. All the races do have appropriate weapon models in the game, just pass 'em out already. I probably would have kept this mage a Nightborne if those beautiful Suramar weapons were available.

On top of that, the other colors of the heritage armors should be available too.


Best looking overall is probably Blood Elf.

That might very well be my 2nd favorite. My BE Mage looks amazing in that set, especially with this:

I really like both Taurens. Maybe it’s the giant totems.

I’m also jelly the Mag’har get color options

I see you are a man of culture.

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All I know is its not goblin, with our “low level dungeon leather set with a random toy rocket on the shoulder”.

I’m the strange zandalari heritage armour fan then

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The best heritage armor was never given to us. It was given to the NPCs in Darkshore. (Night Elves) Which is just mean. It’s one of the races to not receive their heritage armor.

Blood Elves heritage armor didn’t hold true to the original concept on the female side. I pleaded with them and they never listened. I have not and will not go get this armor. Even tho I don’t mind the helm.

So I am predicting the same malice will be given for the Night Elves. For whatever reason they don’t want nice heritage armors for the females. More so the Elves. A small chance they might do the Draenei right, but I am not holding my breath.

Even their original concept is decent, looks more refugee and I don’t recall seeing the armor ingame unlike the Elves but it’s fine. I don’t think they would go with it tho due to it never being ingame.

Instead it’s going to be full on boring plate. Like the same other 500 + mogs that we have ingame. They destroyed the Blood Elf heritage armor for females by doing this too.

Unique expression not allowed.

Void elves, personally. Nightborne could have been great, but they just got another standard looking robe. Same with blood elves, actually.

Well I appear to not be able to swap characters at the moment so just pretend I’m a big hulking Z-troll druid with a mowhawk and full heritage gear. I like that heritage armor set the best. :+1:

Tauren is my favorite. Most look very good though, except for gnomes, worgen and kul’tirans, but it’s hard to polish turds.