Who has suffered under an Ele Shaman?

Point to a single prepatch that wasn’t an absolute poopie-show and I’ll give you $100k

Anyone expecting any sort of balance during pre-patch must be new to the game.

I remember literally soloing 10v1 in BGs on my Havoc during DF prepatch in SL
I remember being an immortal GOD on my BrM during SL prepatch in BFA


Nah, just PTSD from ret/dh rework

hope the new tww season won’t have outliers like that.

yep look at your armor in armor stats used to be 30% now its 60% with full ssn4 gear pretty sure evokers have even more cause of passives.

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That would explain why my fury warrior partner was hitting like a wet noodle and I was still doing normal damage. Outside of 1 Cupid team I think 90% of the games we played had Ele shamans in them :joy:

Thank god ret abilities count as both physical and holy so they bypass armor haha

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ele is currently doing next expac dmg and basically doesn’t die cause of armor changes so physical do nothing and they now have think two new magic defensives. everyone is fotm rerolling it though it will likely get nerfed once pre patch is over.

for now anyone doing physical only dmg does no dmg.

It’s also end of expansion when secondary stats are very high compared to how it will be in S1 of TWW. Casters always scale well with inflated secondaries.

My friend didn’t have any issues fighting ele on the beta, he said it was just mid tier and the general balance feels more reasonable across all specs.

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beta is what it will be like once they balance everything out and we hit 80 and revert those armor changes so we just gotta suffer a month till tww comes out.

60% physical damage reduction according to my armor stat last night. Playing my lock now and its at 46% so it just seems like it’s bugged, although I personally have not seen any Blizzard posts confirming that.

Tried lightning build last night; it’s fun but simply not enough cast speed-up methinks :frowning: Guess I have to go Enhance to shoot some lightning bolts.

Man, i cannot WAIT for the ele sham and dk posts/threads talking about how they’re “gutted” like 10.1 ret paladins or 10.0 dks from prepatch to start of dflight.

haven’t fought them yet since ive been mog farming since we can collect mogs from every type now but seeing people crying after they fotm re rolled during pre patch lol would be nice.

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