If you want to grind Anima, simply look around and do it!
And add to that some Lead Belly songs to listen to in the bunker
If you want to grind Anima, simply look around and do it!
And add to that some Lead Belly songs to listen to in the bunker
This is the way.
It’s insane how many issues can be solved just by making Torghast feel more rewarding.
Torghast giving anima isn’t a terrible idea. For real tho, just wait till the last pack of the xpac where you get 1mil anima for logging in (exaggeration to be clear). You’ll save yourself a lot of pain.
You don’t lick paint.
You chew on lead paint chips. They taste kinda sweet, and don’t require bothering your parents in the grocery store.
I budget my time equally between both tasks.
It’s easier to convince yourself that not only do you not need those rewards, but also that you don’t want them.
You don’t need those rewards.
You don’t want those rewards.
I needs them. I must have them. That’s why I farms the animas.
Good lord Gene Wilder’s Willy Wonka was terrifying.
RIP Gene. RIP.
Could be worse.
Could be farming every bounty in Destiny 2 to get a head start in Seasonal Ranks when the new season starts on Tuesday.
I totally wasn’t doing that for a few hours . . .
Whilst grinding anima is rather tedious, as someone who has licked paint off walls in my adolescence out of sheer curiosity I would quite advise against it. It is a rather unpleasant experience and can very much serve in impairing your sense of taste. After my paint-tasting adventures in my youth, it was quite difficult for me to enjoy or partake in some of my favored foods and beverages for some time.
Not do them? Problem solved. I got 99 problems and doing WQs for anima ain’t one.
Raid and mythic plus I guess. I dont do world quests. This is how I get anima. I also dont have everything unlocked
the kind that removes gimmick posting.
You should see the R rated edit.
Wonka Willy.
overall im not a fan of how they anima system has played out.
since the update with the achievements for completing the buildings, its given a pretty substantial increase to anima gains. i now have all buildings maxed out and ive started buying the xmog pieces ive wanted to collect since the start of the xpack.
the flipside of this is alts. its still a nightmare on alts. if the achievements were account bound for the anima gains so you can catch alts up, that would help tremendously. i dont want to have to spend hours and hours and hours and hours PER alt to upgrade the buildings just to get more than scraps of anima, just to buy some transmogs pieces… if the achievements for the anima boost was account bound, it just speeds up the same slow process. you still need to go out and farm boring tedious world quests just for transmogs.
I don’t know about wall licking but I have found plenty of chores to do in the yard rather than play wow lately.
And people aren’t. That’s the problem. Way to use that big brain instead of trying to solve a problem.
just dont farm …
As soon as I found out I could deconstruct the anima out of my inventory, I have done so every single time without exception for months now. I think all of my characters are at or close to capped at the sanctum, and I dont even activate the stuff
What problem? I think that anima being a entirely optional grind with absolutely no player power attached is fantastic