I love Blitz. But would love if there was a unrated version as well, if anything for people to get feel for it and know the difference between that and normal BGs. Who else feels this way?
I was floating around an idea in my head that very low honor level players should be placed into an unrated version of Blitz as a learning experience. Similar to how randoms separate people at honor level 30.
Wouldn’t want to see it as an additional option, because splitting the population more wouldn’t be good.
Unrated BGs adopting a more Blitz-like format, though? Could be cool.
I would rather just see the Blitz version of as well. But honestly I think there still needs to be some kind of way to queue for “classic” BGs as well.
Nah stop dividing people
100% absolutely, unrated blitz would be a great thing
How about replacing random bgs with blitz rules then?
I have wished for blitz to replace random BGs since blitz was implemented
Yes, remove Regular BGs (haha no more seething shore) and make unranked Blitz, those who want to 5 man premade can do it in Epics.
I like regular BGs better but would like premades matched all the time. “But premades are different from each other” yadda yadda, same for epic BGs. Just match them so solos know they at least hae a premade on their side unless said premades afk out.
Holy smokies, I agree with Kennie.
I just want them cause it would be hard AF to premade them. And with factions how they are right now… We can que as horde or ALLIANCE anyways. We dont need no faction pride no more for BG’s. Just some fare fun PvP without people ruining it for others by cheating the system cause there to bad to just 5 man que.
Don’t remove yet…but introduce bg blitz or a variation of regular bgs where a duo queue is the max party size and see which game mode is more popular. Whichever game mode fails to draw in more players gets the 5s arena treatment.
I know this is gonna get a hard no from players on here. But what if they brought back 5v5 arena. But you can only que with 1 healer and 1 tank max. And have it be a solo rated mini BG. Like a blitz but faster and smaller in a arena like setting.
I have many idea’s I would love to throw out there. They got rid of the suggestion board long ago tho. Thats when I quit giving suggestions in mass.
They should really bring back some older bgs/game modes to the rotating weeklys. I would enjoy some tol barad, highmaul coliseum, maybe strands of the ancients and 5s arenas.
Honestly I believe this should be normalized.
/e flashbacks of 5v5.
After only queuing blitz for a whole season, regular bgs just feel long and miserable lol.
But in reality making an unrated blitz should be available for the brawl but other than that I don’t think queues should be split anymore
I would love the unrated version of Blitz from DF. Had much more fun queuing it solo instead of random BGs, because of no 5 mans, decent matchmaking, great conquest gains, and quick matches.
Edit: but it’d be even better if they could fix matchmaking in random BGs.
Why not just make all bgs rated? I only say this because whats the incentive to play unrated bgs? Eventually honor does nothing except buy bloodstones and most ppl that join regular bgs just do it cause they dont wanna play arena and just wanna have a little fun. Mine as well make all bgs rated and em reward honor, conquest, and rating. If you lose, you still get the honor.