Who else pre ordered founders packs?

I’ll probly wait til the pop stabilizes. Dont want to risk hopping into a hype train to have it turn to new world lol

They know gender locked needs to be removed and have addressed that they’re working at it
Unlike blizz they give updates and roadmaps :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s free to play and this year gender locks should be gone

Well that’s good. I’ll look into it when that’s gone.

honestly wish D2: remaster I was hoping they’d add model swaps especially since it’s the price of a new game for a repainting. But it’s blizz.

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The 2nd comment was directed towards New World.

I remember founder’s packs for Everquest Landmark. :joy: Kind of learned a lesson there.

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It’s free the play, but you’ll have to pay some money if you want it to be fun.

I’m not spending any money on any of the founders packs because I don’t know if I’ll like the game enough or not. I wasted money on New World due to all of the hype, videos and constant boasting about how good it was. New World is easily one of the worst MMORPGs I think I’ve ever played in my life. I had fun for about 2 hours until all I was doing was the same boring quests, chopping down trees and picking up rocks on the beach.

I know Lost Ark has been around for several years and I’ve done my research with gameplay videos and what not, but I’m not giving them a penny unless the game warrants enough time from me and I enjoy it.

It’s free to play, so being able to play three days early isn’t that big of a deal to me.

I think it’ll be light years better than New World, but it still won’t be enough to pull me away from WoW. Nothing has been able to, even with my break of a few months now.


It’s a risk either way, you can’t buy the founders packs once the game goes live, and it’s the only form of “power” they intend to sell for quite some time. Mostly they will be focused on selling mogs and stuff like that.

The game has something like over a million concurrent players in Korea which is 1 small nation and well more than wow has at the moment world wide… In Korea they do sell a lot more P2W but it’s going to be a lot less of that in western release due to how westerners don’t like that much.

It’s a decent game. It’s no “wow killer” or anything like that. they are too different to compete like that. It’s just a good side distraction. It’ll be like my video game “side chick” lol.

I mean if you like diablo, it’s an over view type game like diablo right, only it has full MMO features built in like guilds, end game raids and dungeons, economy, etc etc.

Fortunately it’s not Amazon who is making it or providing the updates, they are only publishing it and making money that way. Smilegate has retained rights to continue to be the developer and push the updates to Amazon. But Smilegate is tailoring it to a western audience based on our known likes and dislikes.

I was also happy to see they committed to providing us a full set of male and female genders for every class option. Not right out of the gate, but some have already been added and more are on the way shortly after release.