Who else needs a rework like shadow priest before SL release?

I agree!

Nerf DH.

I never understood people hating arcane. It feels great. Is it just corruptions messing it up? Arcane missile spam is great, it might not be your playstyle, but I find it greatly satisfying.

Feral is a tricky one as it is 1 / 4 specs druid can play and there are other classes that can fit the same role as feral better.

Nerf High elfs warlocks!!!

Windwalker has a similar problem to Elemental(healing spec is stronger than dps spec up to higher level), healing monks do better damage than windwalkers early on, they even get windfury(extra kicks each time you punch up to 3 times, enhancement windfury only does two hits for 25% of your autoattack xd)

No. In SL there is an egregious amount of GCDS to get thru before you start your rotation.

Unholy has the same problem.

Arcane Mage, Survival Hunter, Havoc DH, Frost DK. Top four that need reworks in my opinion.

Reading some more answers

basically 33 out of the 36 specs needs rework

(except dh’s those got enough reworks for almost 2-3 expansions)

It legit just needs a legion revert with some tuning. Guardian is a Tank with a soak mastery they could at least have better rotational mitigation than just white damage.

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Maybe its time to turn wow into a hack and Slash rpg.

Classes in hack and slash gane are more balanced

Outlaw rogue. Get rid of roll the bones. Period. I dont want that ability existing. Same with mage and rune of power. I think arcane is massively overdue for an overhaul as well. A dps spec that needs to drink after every fight is not good.


but, i love rune of power. nothing like using my troll racial, rune of power, bloodlust, and doing triple dps of everybody in my group combined mousewheeling arcane missiles.

Why does everybody hate arcane so much, is it just corruptions don’t scale as well with it? is it people that are too used to moving while casting? is it other mage specs not needing to use mana at all? I don’t get it.

All I read there is



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gcd was always there, i don’t understand this issue. Is it just legion thing?

At least did you even see the arcane state on the beta?

burst is looking like this:
skill, gcd, skill, gcd, skill, gcd, (trinket if any), then you can start your rotation :thinking: or you can go trinket first if you want but really the point here is that arcane is probably a gcd simulator currently you have like 3-5 gcds before your can start dpsing.

oh sure it was always there but not at this ridiculous point.


i can’t access beta, this was posted on live, asking for rework before SL. My current experience is arcane mage is my favorite char, after my guardian main.

:woozy_face: then you would understand why some people isnt happy with their class or spec…

playstyles are subjective, having lava burst weaker than lightning bolt, or RSK being weaker than blackout kick or healer specs do more damage than dps using the same abilities is downright odd, and I’d like to see them address that.

gcd rework, playstyle rework is a bit harder to discuss. If it was up to me i’d have enhancement have 2handers again, classes that can equip ranged weapons would be able to shoot them, have every dk spec be able to dps and tank, shamans would have more survivability than warlocks, and mana would be a resource that isn’t cosmetic, but all of these things would quickly be contested xd

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Any feedback is also subjective… everything is subjective.

blizzard stubborness isnt.

But looks like you enjoy the gcd and you’re kinda on your stand still with that opinion so. :man_shrugging:

What you said it’s a tuning issue… this thread is about spec/class design, tuning issues were HUGE in 8.3 corruptions increased that beyond, from the videos and discords out there with alpha/beta access you can find some specs that are just like bfa but weak until they get their expansion stuff.

Class design is leaving alot to desire regardless… the unpruning was a big lie… most of the spells they unpruned are worthless and add pretty much nothing new to most of the core spec rotations…

Ret paladins. Give it a Shadow-level rework or even just a nostalgic return like Enh got to Wrath design.