Who else is maining guardian? And what covenant?

?? Any ideas? I’m kind of confused on which looks like the best for guardian? More pve than pvp wise

Sadly, I don’t think a lot of people will be maining Guardian Druid in SL. They’re pretty much getting dumpstered come 9.0, so many Guardian Druid mains are switching toons (I’ll be maining my Monk). I can’t really blame them. No love for the bears. Blizzard single-handedly killed a whole community by ignoring feedback for multiple xpacs.

Very few people want to play Guardian Druid in SL - beta data, or rather the lack thereof for Guardian Druids, is showing this. It didn’t get “Unpruned” like many other classes/specs; rather, it was pruned even more, ironically enough. It will be worse than Guardian Druid was at the start of BFA… and that was bad enough, mind you.

My Guardian Druid will be used almost exclusively for mat farming out in the open world come 9.0 (with WM off too because we’re going to be back to being walking target dummies that can’t survive against a single scrub DPS wearing nothing but questing greens)… and not much else besides if they refuse to fix bears. I’ll play my bear, but I won’t main my bear - that’s for sure. That’s if I even decide I want to sub. They’re butchering PVP too, so… I’ve got to see how that goes, seeing as that was always my endgame.

Unfortunately, I can’t really say what covenants will be good for bears… and, at this point, given the state of bears, I could hardly care less about the covenants they’re introducing. I’ll probably just pick the theme I like the most (leaning Night Fae), seeing as it probably won’t matter much - mechanically speaking - until they fix bears.

Hopefully someone can help you make better, more informed choices.

Thanks for your time,



I feel that way too.


I will still have my guardian, I will level it, I will quest with it… but it won’t be my main. Too many broken mechanics and I’m tired of waiting for a fix.

Blizzard got SO much feedback on classes, which they asked for, and promptly ignored.

As far as covenants… Night fae and revandreth abilities (soulshape and ravenous frenzy, respectively) if played incorrectly have the potential to straight up kill you.

Currently leveling a monk.


I will.

I like my Druid. Regardless of what the flavor of the month is, I’ll always play my Druid.

That being said, I’m also not a one trick pony who only plays guardian. If LFR doesn’t pan out for me as feral/guardian like it did in early bfa, then I’ll just play resto for invites and gear up that way.

I have a Prot pally that bores the living crap out of me, a Prot war that I dabble with time to time and a DK that collects dust.

I’ll always main Druid.


I’m going Night Fae - as much as I dont want to.

Mostly because I’m going Resto this time around because well…too many attempts for us Guardians to try to get Blizz to fix things and it just feels like pleading with a brick wall.

But mostly cause this time the guild has too many wanna be tanks and not enough healers. So figured…hey…I can go resto…between pulls…and when needed I can go bear or cat and I can still look at and see my MT forms.

But Night Fae seems to be the all around decent pick if you want to do multiple specs. As much as it dosnt fit my aesthetic and I dont like it… it is what it is. This is how Blizz made things. Instead of picking my awesome Necrolords or Venthyr - if I wanna be good at what I’m picking to do - I gotta go with Faeries. -.-

And their Soulbinds seem to be … well the only one with anything that appeals for the healer side of things and the tank guy thats the 3rd one dosnt seem too bad either.

This way I can pop into Bear and goof off with it when I want to but also Resto.


I’d sort of like too but my raid tanks are pretty set and have plenty of backups. With my group we need better dps and I’m one of the better dps(not that I’m good, just relative to group) so I’m stuck with dps.

The Night Fae looked pretty good to me.


I’m holding out to the last minute to see if Blizz removes head from hole.
If something doesnt happen to help bears deal with magic damage, like every other tank… I am going to have to shelf my druid again.
I was really hoping to get to stick with feral/bear for a whole xpac, but I need to be a capable tank for my guild and friends, and so far bear is still lacking hard in some areas.
So if nothing happens between now and launch I will probably be swapping to my monk.
Wake up Blizz and make some changes to keep people from leaving the spec behind.
Unless of course that is their goal.
glances at "we don’t want you to play Demonology
Surely not though :thinking:


I’ll still tool around with Guardian spec in Shadowlands, but my monk alt from BfA is taking over MT duties. My druid will spend a lot more time healing and shooting lasers.


You’re so abrasive. Everything you say has to include an insult to others… “I’m NoT a OnE-tRiCk-PoNy!” Did you ever consider the fact that other people just might not like the other Druid specs as much as they like Guardian? Why does it have to be turned into some sort of contest? You like all the specs? Great! Enjoy! That doesn’t make you somehow better than others who don’t.

Back on ignore for you.

Thanks for your time,



I think you go out of your way looking for reasons to be offended.

“One trick pony” is a common expression which means “a person or thing with only one special feature, talent, or area of expertise”.

So… Those who only play guardian.
If the shoe fits…

If you take offense to that, then believe me when I say this…I do not care!

Good for them.
Then they don’t have to play their Druid.

I listed reason why I will continue to play my Druid. My comments have absolutely nothing to do with you or them.



You took him OFF ignore?

Silly old bear.


I’m going to main guardian because I love the spec (and bears), even with all the haters. It works for what I like to do.

I’m leaning towards Venthyr for the Ravenous Frenzy/Berserk/Legacy of the Sleeper/Troll Racial mega combo every 3 minutes. Looks fun to be an unstoppable machine during that cooldown stack.

Jury is still out though, because tuning is not complete. Would be nice if the covenant ability kiss/curse penalty wasn’t so harsh (pvp reasons/off specs) but maybe they’ll revisit that?


Looks like there’s going to be a lot of Vulperan Monks come SL! :wink:

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I never really got into my Monk, but when I realized Vulpera could be Monks I was like… “Yeah… yeah, I could do that!”


Somebody politely refer Tewa to the thread tittle. She is lost again.

This is for people who want to play guardian.

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I made a Monk alt to play with a buddy of mine back when they started the XP boost. He played WW and I went MW. I really liked the feel of MW healing - super mobile with insane ST burst healing, so I started playing it a lot more. I get more use out of my Monk than my Guardian Druid: running BGs, Arenas, M+, etc. Only thing I really do on my Guardian Druid now is tank the occasional RBG - and come SL, he won’t even do that. He just won’t be good enough. BFA all over again.

Seeing as BrM is looking spicy in SL, I figured I’d try it out, too (still had to run visions and all)… it’s not bad. I miss the self-healing of Guardian Druids, but I suppose there had to be some sort of trade-off for being nearly S-tier as a tank.

The fact that my Monk also happens to be a Vulpera just makes it even better. Nothing more troll than being outplayed in PVP by a furry.

Thanks for your time,


The thing about obvious low effort trolls, is that responding to them at all, gives them a dopamine hit. Their goal isn’t to convince you, it’s not to discuss something, it’s to get you to reply to them, and see that shiny reply indicator on the upper right.

The only winning move, is to not play their game. Pretend they’re not even there.


How is Tical trolling? They gave a totally legitimate response to the thread.


That’s what they call me because I speak the truth and it goes against their narrative.

They’re like vegans or people who CrossFit. They have to squeeze it into every topic, even when it has nothing to do with the conversation.

Even though this thread was titled “who else is maining guardian”, they simply cant help themselves. They can’t resist telling us how they won’t play guardian or how “cute” their monk is.

It’s one big circle jerk that happens multiple times daily on every thread in this forum. Even in resto threads. It’s always the same offenders.

They crave the spot light.