anyone else having issues downloading FF14 so their stuck playing wow? blizzard just isn’t hitting the mark anymore. devs dont listen to streamers, devs dont listen to the player base, and they just simply dont play the game nor understand whats happening.
I just can’t do anime, sorry
ehh its not for everyone.
I tried it years ago & something just felt off with it, so I didn’t stick with it past 3-4 months.
I wish Vanguard: Saga of Heroes was still going though. I would play that if it was still around - or RIFT before it was sold & ruined/prostituted by another developer.
Lol. I’ll never understand the like for FF14, too over the top with effects, lack of even mediocre PVP… to each their own.
you know what was really fun, Phantasy Star Online for Sega Dreamcast.
I’ll never understand pvpers they act like there the majority running the show like there a big portion of the community spoiler alert…pvpers make up less than 10 percent of the community ff14 don’t need pvp to be better than wow blizz is going down the tube for catering to a the crybabies on here ff14 doesn’t…
Isn’t the end game of Final Fantasy 14 sitting around queuing for bosses and collecting transmog?
“Hey Blizzard! Stop making retail changes to Classic… or we’ll all go play the game that’s almost identical to retail WoW!”
Holy sh1t… I have to agree with you 100%. Damnit, and I wanted to continue to hate you. lol
PSO and UTO were the two games I spent countless hours on.
Only reason I didn’t play that game was because they spelled “Fantasy” that way.
Seemed uber pretentious to me.
Phantasy star online episodes 1/2 all day all night
How do you even get that out of what I said? If you’re looking for an argument, just say it. I couldn’t care less how much of the community makes up PVP. I stated an opinion on why I basically don’t see the hype… I’m not sure if you’re an idiot or a troll, hell maybe you just misread it.
If you think wow is catering to crybabies, leave, you won’t be missed.
Ff14 end game isn’t just sitting in a que lol you can’t que for raids lol you have to form a group and the content is on par with heroic/mythic difficulty and sometimes more challenging depending on the raid. There the golden saucer, there’s beast tribe quests, your hunting log, leveling your other classes, grand company quests, dungeon content never loses relevancy even at max level.
If you played ff14 endgame the way you play wows endgame your literally doing it wrong there’s way way more to do than login 2 nights raid and wait u til next week and none of it is forced on you like retail endless grind for whatever borrowed power you need for the expansion ie: artifact power, Anima, azerite its all the same thing been grinding the same thing for 3 expansions… they tried to copy things from ff14 and did it horribly lol.
I think he was pointing out that it seemed your “inability to see the hype” was based on being focused on PvP (which FF14 lacks). In the grand scheme of things, however, it’s a relatively small group that focuses on PvP. Most players focus on PvE, and RPG players like stories. FF14 does amazing for PvE and story. Hence the hype you can’t see.
Close. It’s the same as wow. Being afk in a city.
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