Who do you wanna marry?

Marriage isn’t for me. I’m not good enough or ready for marriage, anyway.

Wrathion is still my answer, though.

i want a big Pandaren wife, thank you

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I second the motion for thicc Pandaren…

Personally I’m a fan of marriage (21.5 years so far!) but I can see how it wouldn’t work for everyone.

I’ll take Wrathion.

If you kiss them, warning, full beard.

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Nope, not going down that road. I can barely carry my own baggage some days let alone add someone else’s.


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Already married to muh waife.


I wasn’t mooing, I was passing gas.


Ironforge Guard #42. I like a guy in plate armor. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I feel like being married to me would be like being married to a cross between Sherlock Holmes and Beethoven… hope ya like the discordant sound of a student violinist…


Wrathion - Sexy hot and he can uber me around on his back.

I would like to merry a cute chubby pandaran girl :3

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nobody! life is too short to be splitting your share of it :wink:

also someone said variety is the spice of life so why would you wanna be locked to one option? sounds like a bad idea.

I dated a student violinist.

Always sounded like a room full of cats getting murdered if you ask me.

But you know…

“Oh yes that sounds magical dear!”

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I was 37 when I met my wife. Now at 49 I at times wish I never did as she can’t control her spending. Went from having money to worrying at times how to make sure we have money for the month. I’ve given up so much by not taking meds and ending up in the hospital for stress from her and work.

why just “for a man”?

what benefits does being married have, over living as a common law couple who saved a small fortune on a party?


…lift that helmet up… double check it’s a “guy”…

Time for a wake-up call.
This is abuse.
When your partner is spending your medication money on non-essential items, to the point where it’s put you in hospital… one of you needs help.
Either she needs help with her spending compulsion, or you need help to see that your health is more important than her obsession with spending.

Just because you’re not being assaulted, doesn’t mean it’s not abuse.

alexstrasza :heart:

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i’m not talking about swingers and consenual partner swapping. and no it takes two to tango. both are equally guilty and just as scummy.

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