I wanna marry chromie. I know she’s a bronze and I am a blu ebut she helped inspire me to take a gnome form!
Some hot billionaire who I would only see two hours a week.
No. Stop.
Don’t need to marry I have a succubus
(Am guy)
Would marry Alexstrasza, she’s hot.
I am already married to the most beautiful woman in the world. Envy me.
I’d go with Varian! A healthy beefcake to help carry me in Arenas and other content!
I’m a Mage! I need protection, after all!
Do you need a hero?
marriage is for chumps.
live in sin.
Thisalee Crow.
Already married
I’d actually have to be in a relationship to even consider marriage and even then I dont think I would.
34, no kids, no wife and six years single and still going strong. It’s lonely at times, but I am not entirely unhappy. Plenty of time for myself I guess.
Dar’khan Drathir.
imagine not picking azshara
alleria windrunner high elf version from warcraft 2.
I like married women. My current GF is married.
Your body pillow doesn’t count
so your one of THOSE people. there is a special place in hades for you people. cheaters and homewreckers are scum.
Marriage would make the mad hermit on the mountain dream of mine impossible.
I’d rather not drag someone else down with me, and it’d be all the worse if they wanted kids.
Here, on this earth, in this age and life, I’d rather just die alone.