Who Do You Think Will Write The Tie-In Book For Dragonflight/Next Expansion

They always do one. And people love creating controversy criticizing writers so I wonder which one will it be.




Will they hire Roux to write again?

Someone entirely new?

I think it would be interesting to have Danuser write a tie-in for once but that’s a low chance.

I think dn will have an influence on how the story goes even if they don’t write it.

George RR Martin. It will be out in 2032.


They are good at writing wow books.
The rest not so much.

I hope it’s this one just to watch people seethe.

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the pure chaos.

players that haven’t read a single warcraft book really were out there seething in full force. It was amazing.

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Hell, players that haven’t read a single quest :rofl: :rofl:


Like the parrots who are out torch and pitchforking for some guy named Dinosaur because they read it on a message board.



I imagine if a blizzard employee they never even heard of made a luke warm claim like transphobia is bad and someone posted it here there would be atleast one 500 post thread :rofl: people love their outrage.


Dr Seuss. The story would actually have likeable characters.

It’s about Dragons… Dear god they are gonna get Knaak the Hack to write it aren’t they?

Is that guy even writing anymore?

Being a dragon book, I’d love for them to pull a fast one and get Weis and Hickman to write it lol

Looking up his wiki quick says his last published book was 2018. So maybe he’s retired and we don’t have to worry about every third paragraph describing the same character’s flowing red hair…

Just in time for the expansion release, very punctual I like it.

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