Who can loot Warglaives of Azzinoth for transmog on another character?

I’ve been running Icecrown on multiple characters to try to get the mount from Arthas, no luck so far. A couple days ago I see someone running around with the warglaives and I’m like oooohh I want those for my DH. I ran it on my Rogue and DH, no drop. Then I ran it on another DH and got the offhand warglaive so hopefully I get lucky and the main hand drops next week. I know that I also will need to run the raid in timewalking at some point before I can actually transmog it but my main is a druid and we can’t use swords. Is it pointless to run BT on a druid for the warglaives or does it not matter that I can’t equip it? I guess the main question is does a character have to be able to equip something in order for other characters on an account to be able to use it for transmog? Would it even drop for a druid since we can’t use swords?

In order to be eligible to get the transmog version (Arsenal: The Warglaives of Azzinoth), you MUST first have the Feat of Strength achievement (Warglaives of Azzinoth) from equipping both Warglaives of Azzinoth on the same character.

So therefore, you must get both of the Warglaives to drop on a character capable of equipping them.

More info here: https://www.wowhead.com/black-temple-timewalking-loot-transmogrification-guide#warglaive-transmogrification