Who ask for a motherlode on steroids patch?

Are you saying after the mediocre story start of TWW we gonna get isle of pirates and goblin major content? This is not warcraft anymore
So i can just drop the expansion right here, maybe Midnight has some warcraft content

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I still want to see Mean Streets of Gadgetzan in the game.


Pirates and goblins have been a part of WoW since vanilla.


Undermine was mentioned in vanilla bro.


What game have you been playing because it’s clearly not World of Warcraft?


I take it you’re new. Cuz wc2 is even pirates lol.


My question was for the OP

All those pirates and goblins in tanaris? Hello?


and stranglethorn vale

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Dam blood sail buckaneers don’t belong in wow, booty bay nope.


I think we need a Misty isle of the mecha Vulpera.

They can be Tinkerers. They speak a language requiring you to solve their cyphers not unlike Zerith Mortis

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:

Orcs are the core of the franchise and they are not in the game. They are in this franchise before the first game, in sketchs…

Whats the point of a major content about goblins, they are comic relief, traders, you can put them IN ANY PART OF THE GAME YOU WANT, why focus on them?

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They’re one of the most powerful military forces on Azeroth, and most aren’t in the horde.

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Furry dragons, Foot fetishism and goblins with nukes are definitely the right thing to do with this franchise, good writing

People are complaining that there is no horde content. They make GOBLIN CONTENT! and people are upset? theres no pleasing the community at all.

Play the game or don’t but stop crying pleeaaaase!

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I’m sure goblin and silvermoon content will please that red orc faction called Horde.

Who’s the bigger fool? The company or the player still obviously paying them for content they don’t like?

I’ve seen your other posts around. You’ll be here til they turn the servers off.


Should have said something during Warcraft 2. You’re about 30 years too late to complain about goblins & pirates now.

The only reason this game is still alive is because WoW Enginers are the best in the world, thats the only thing carrying this game.

Sorry it was me.

I asked for it.