Shreds, I love how you can be creatively disruptive without being a troll.
Rita is the very essence of Gnomeness. Sweet, friendly, and always positive. I should try to be that way more.
Liadariel, you’ve brightened many a day with your kindness.
Thallia I love the fact that we can be strongly on two opposing sides of a debate and still get along.
Briselody, and Celebrate I haven’t seen in a while, but I miss them.
Kyzera, Penumbrae, Nickeladin, my fellow Lounge lizards and screenshot aficionados.
Thundastahm, you start some of the most helpful and intelligent discussions here. This forum needs more people like you.
Cindilou, RosenIvy, Karat, probably the ones I most remember from way back in the mists of time.
So many others I look forward to seeing when I’m here. Tovi, Mute, Herne, Sunzsu, Grumbles, Herne, Fuzzbutt, Vicktoria, Swarf, Pharazon, Jessail, Annastasi, Maizou, Battlemaster, Honeybowl, Dieliania, Brewa, Kaurmine, Grimoire, Thorland, Beaupeep, Qamaits, Channyn, toe wiggler, Willowbloom, and apologies to anyone who slipped my mind. Don’t take it as a lack of affection. It’s just Sunday mind fog.