Who are these loot changes for?

Legion trough shadowlands are on another level, especially coming after sepulcher, probably the hardest tier ever.

Cata-WoD are a different era and raiding change a lot after Legion.

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I got sick of ever more technical bossfights. Also, they used to include self-nerfing mechanisms like trinkets that grew in strength as time went on. Of course now those wouldn’t help anyway since it’s usually not dps but some difficult mechanic that stumps players. Feel the “get gud” vibe is still very strong with these devs even though the playerbase is actually “get wors” due to being older.

I expected them to go the opposite way and reward mythic loot from the weekly heroic raid vault (and then somehow compensate mythic raiders–maybe giving them the option of tokens they can up to buy loot items or possibly getting the odd bonus item out of a vault). Kind of surprised they went this way.

Everyone who feels like quitting thinks the majority of the game is composed of players like them. M+ players who push beyond +20 are a tiny sliver of the population and yet felt a few months ago when their dominance was unchallenged that it’s fitting and proper that game balance that favours their playstyle should continue.

M+ was too rewarding and was hollowing out raiding. This change was inevitable.

It’s for streamers and people who race world first, guaranteed. They’re the only ones who really want this crap so they can funnel loot.

It keeps them making content and white knighting, blizz gets to brag that M+ and mythic raids have higher participation that SL thereby justifying their design strategy going forward.

So if you hate how things are shaping up, get ready for it to stay this way at minimum. Ion will do anything to prove he knows better than we do.

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You’re replying to me but Blizzard just put out a blog post where they changed their mind and relented so you’re a bit behind the curve my dude.

Not doubting you or anything but can you link the blog would like to go read it. And see what else they said if you could please.

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Thanks for the link

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Kaurmine rides by the forum in WQ + crafted gear

:wave: :smile:

Yes after 6+ years from legion though BFA to shadowlands the most popular content they put a Di%& in the salad

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“It’s a major pillar of the endgame for World of Warcraft and players who want to focus on it should have access to competitive rewards.”

I note they carefully said “competitive” not “top”.

  1. Top gear is still mRaid only.
  2. spammable M+ ilvl caps out at 402 (Boss 3 and 4 Heroic Raid) from +17 to +20
  3. a single piece of 421 gear is being given for +20 vault rewards.
  4. Heroic Raids give between 402 to 408 (special) for the first boss and 411 to 418 (special) for the final boss.

Anyone with two braincells who wasn’t emotionally attached to the SL M+ loot gravy train could see this coming. And if you say this isn’t a nerf, well, you’re high on copium.

On the other hand as well, as Ion said in the video, the difficulty is increasing much more steeply so the fraction that will hit +20 reliably every week, let alone 3-slot it reliably, will likely be lower.

You got link to the video think i missed his last interview.

See what coming?

M+ loot from high keys is better than everything except for like 2 items as well as loot from the final 2 bosses of the raid, which are mostly only 3 ilvls higher except for 1 bow and 1 ring.

Why would I possibly be mad? This is the closest we’ve ever come. Some specs, as far as I’ve seen, get their BIS weapon from M+ now. That’s a HUGE change from SL.

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I posted the link here some months ago but salty M+ers spam reported it and got the post (which literally quoted the WoW Game Director) removed. will try and find it for you.

Not like getting my post nuked for hurt feelings changed anything. Like I said, a rebalancing was inevitable and M+ers were behaving like pre-nerf DKs at the end of WotLK.

Except all the people who have been asking for group loot back since it was removed. ( A lot of people)

This was on 2022-08-26


thanks for the link

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That M+ will no longer be the preeminent way to gear up to the extent that it has been in SL.

They are trying to draw out content even more. Group loop would be fine if they doubled the amount of loot that dropped from everything but they won’t because they want to waste our time.

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