Who agree make Cheat Death and Elusiveness on different choice node

Since our rogue die too fast in teamfight without long defensive cd (evasion cloak vanish 2 min). Should we have cheat death and elusiveness on different choice node? Even Feral now more tanky than us.


I would rather improve our HP regen we used to have with Leech Poison or SnD.

But i guess making them separate wouldnt hurt, but considering how good both are already, i doubt its gonna happen.


cheat death should be simply baseline for all rogues.


I don’t understand why the Leeching poison nerf, especially with Recuperator being bugged (not that this ticks for anything meaningful when it is working). Look at healing done after a dungeon or an arena match. Rets, Warriors, etc just cough out accidental healing double or triple what we can, even if we smash Crimson Vial on CD.


Feel like it would be too strong. Like others have said, we’re squishy. If you could take both, I’m not sure it would feel good. For PvE it might feel ok to be tanky while you’re learning something, but just creates more friction between top end and low end performance in any other scenario.

For PvP, it would just be mandatory to take both.

So idk, I think conceptually, the choice node makes more sense. But we do need a survivability buff in some way.

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Right now it’s a bad node because Feint is on GCD. But I imagine once that is changed you’ll find that the node choice isn’t as one sided. Double Feint off GCD with lower energy cost might be the de facto BiS going forward (I know I’ll switch to it)

However I can see and argument for Cheat Death being baseline. It’s thematic for one. And a modification to it’s CD which is relatively short specifically because it’s a talent node exclusive with another defensive could make it less powerful but still good. Like passive you get from leveling good.

Replace it with two versions of Feint buff, one that greatly increases AoE damage reduction and one that gives more comprehensive damage reduction but not a much in terms of magnitude.


I think cheat death should be removed as its too much of a fail safe in PvP and doesn’t promote thoughtful gameplay,

in pvp you always take elusive. Cheat death is super niche



i find myself using feint as often as i can in both pve and pvp content, which also doesn’t feel fun. cheat death feels like a safety net, while elusiveness feels like a mandatory game changer- even though it’s a tiny bandaid on a gaping wound.

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