Whitemane PVP Alliance <Immortals> Casual Guild

Probably a bit late to the recruitment party, but thought I would post this anyways to catch some people who have not signed up with another guild.

This guild will be a casual raiding guild with some focus on PVP as well, I am looking for casual and experienced players who are looking for a guild that is not to hardcore on the whole raiding seen.

The raiding schedule is not set in stone, however as it stands right now Thursday, Friday and Sunday will be the most likely raiding times. Evenings to be more exact times will come once people start hitting lvl 60.

If you are interested message me on discord at thetrollololguy#5689.
You can leave a reply on this thread as well, however, I wont respond on here right away.

Thanks for your time, for more info leave a reply or message on discord.