White/Black Cheetah

there is a Maw item that make your cheetah form turn gray

The least they could do is make it like Fandral’s scythe, unlocking a permanent barbershop option.

Wondering if this is a Pocopoc Customization kind of thing where it was basically forgotten for several weeks before it was suddenly “unlocked” via hotfix.
Except this hasn’t been hotfixed in. Chop chop, get on it Blizz.

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I checked the tooltip for every toy collected and non-collected and I didn’t find a single one that says anything about altering your cheetah form. If it’s a maw item, I don’t think it’s a toy. Either way, it needs to be added as a permanent barbershop option.

It’s currently a completed wasted skin that looks better than the brown cheetah, especially for non-brown-themed classes like nelf and worgen that desperately need another travel form option other than the old, white stag. Travel form customization in general is just really bad…

Zandalari only have a blue raptor or pterrordax, KT only have a brown bird, HMT don’t even have reskins, trolls and worgen don’t even have their own travel form, etc, and that’s just the newer druid races. The recently added forms are alright; most are for flight though, and the ardenweald stag isn’t that impressive. It would be low-effort, high-reward just to do some color reskins of the currently available travel forms, and then maybe add some more marks each patch… or just allow druids to learn new marks on their own by interacting with designated beasts, much like how hunter pets are classified as a specific family that is either tameable or non-tameable.