Clearly the slitherdrakes were white when first met, so why can the player only use a black/red/green/blue/tan? Kind of a fail part on devs. White coloring could have been added via loam renown.
You know I was just talking about this yesterday.
They should add it to the Niffin stuff I think that would be neat. Be a good renown 20 reward
Exactly! I was so looking forward to that when it was datamined ages ago and then got excited saving the white ones… only to never get a white one. Like… what? How do I save white ones and NOT get a white one?? I don’t even think there were any other colors there.
Same here! When it went into my inventory, I was thinking the whole time it was going to be a white mount. I didn’t see any color variations, like black, when I was helping them.
Thats so majestic
Oh you just gotta do the dragon riding meta achievement they added with 10.1
Probably take you 3 more weeks if you didn’t start it last week
I agree. Pretty disappointed that it isn’t at least an option right now. There is also another yellow color in the dressing room that blows the bronze option out of the water.
Wait what meta? I must’ve missed finding it in all the articles on wowhead.
What meta achievement? Dragon customization has no white color available at all.
Oh I don’t know if wowhead made an article about it yet
Basically just involves finding the “hidden” white dragon they added to all the dragon races when 10.1 went live, only hard part is you gotta go off a bit so theres a chance you’ll fail the race if you’re not quick with it
The time gate issue is the dragon only appears if its the active daily so you can’t just do them all one after another
I’m not sure I understand.
It’s the new hidden meta achievement thing
The wow secrets website might have more stuff on it by now, I haven’t checked it tbh
Basically when the race is active you can do it on any difficulty, normal being the better choice, and along the track there’s gunna be a white proto/highland/etc dragon settled somewhere you just gotta do a keep swoop by them to get the credit and you can’t fail the race or you gotta do it again.
Get them all in each zone, including the new place, and boop you get the white scale colors for your dragon mounts
Sounds like a big fat lie.
Oh probably cuz it is
There seems to be something to this but theres a lack of information.
here’s further proof it seems:
Yup, that’s the screenshot/manuscripts I saw when I was looking around for it. Hope they’ll get added though
My best guess is they aren’t added yet and will be added in the mid-patch, guess we’ll see.
Should add it to the next reset…
Mam wish I knew these things existed
I shoulda stuck to my story more, cuz it would be sorta in blizzards style to make something a pain to get lol