Whispers on the wind Cinematic not working

The quest labeled “Whispers on the Winds” which is supposed to have the player watch a cinematic with Khadgar doesn’t seem to work and just says “This cinematic is not available”


Just +1ing this cuz it happened to me too.


not loading and caused my game to crash on 2 different characters so far.


(post deleted by author)

has also happened to me on two characters.

I think I may have a workaround.

  1. Turned off all of my Addons
  2. Talked to Wrathion to open a dialog then closed it
  3. Talked again to Archmage Khadgar which opened a dialog
  4. Clicked the link in the dialog
  5. Cinematic started

Just happened on a different toon (Alliance as well). The above worked again, but this time I didn’t turn off my addons, and it STILL worked.