Whispers are arising… The damned are awakening… Long has it been since they were slaughtered… Since their bones paved the way. Long have they waited for revenge… The time has come, and their voices will be heard.
I won’t dive into too many details here, we want to keep this some what of a secret as to how this d20 event will play out, location and story wise. All are welcome to come horde or alliance (WM off, can’t trust human nature). How this will start out is you’ll begin hearing random whispers… On the day of the event they will lead you to the chosen location, from there on you’ll find out how this story plays!
We plan to have 2-3 stages per week, over 3 weeks, so 9 stages in total. This will begin this coming Friday, with the other events either being weekly or bi-weekly.
To stay up to date, join the discord https://discord.gg/4qtjA9b
or dm me Dragrosh#6660 (on disc)