Whirling dragon punch is cringe

I dont see any reason why its an extra button to an already bloated class. Can’t they just design it this way.

rsk+fof on cd = fof changes to wdp as long as the cd runs an you have this time to press it. Would reduce the bar and has the same behaviour…


Outside the fact that we often don’t have time to hit it, it locking you into an animation in place for like 2 seconds feels horrible. I’m going to be trying to find a way to make a viable build without it because unless they quadruple the damage or turn the activation into a charge that can be stored I don’t want to use it

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Yeah, requiring FoF + RSK to be on CD in order to use it removes so much agency from it, especially since a bunch of abilities reduces CD of those abilities now so they’re almost always up to use.

Change it to require just FoF to be on CD and remove RSK from it imo

WDP does need adjustment, we either need less CDR/resets or a grace period after one of these come up where we can still use WDP. It’s cringe to RSK to satisfy WDP’s conditions, only to have it crit, reset FoF and now you have to FoF again.

I would like it if the animation looked cooler : s… the name sounds way better than what you end up seeing.

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wait are we really mad that we have WDP back as a strong talent??? i would rather remove stomp completely than WDP i am basically trading those buttons 1 for 1. thank you. i don’t miss bone dust brew either. this is a nice +button when we’re already -buttons several times over. huh?


WDP is fantastic.

One of the few Monk skills that actually feels like you combo up to it.

Just don’t take it if you don’t like it.


There was a bug for a few days in Shadowlands where WDP’s damage was triggered any time both RSK and FoF were on CD, no button pressing needed.

It was a bug but it was great.

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I’ve been using it for a long time. If you havent used it it will take some getting used to. I use it because I like the way it looks and feels.

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Honestly sounds awful. Do you just stand there then waiting to regen enough energy to Tiger Palm?

LMAO OK, I see it now. I am so used to having RSK be the “rolling” global, I never have energy when both are on CD for the two buttons remaining (trigger with FoF instead if possible, to have energy to enter the window with TP-BoK-TP). Not the worst thing, but not my favorite either.

After more thought, including that with the free DocJ would be probably the best design outcome. So you could trigger the SCK and spike the AoE (swarm) versus the extra SbT cleave you get from the alternative choice node.

So what you’re saying is this ability embarrasses you. “Makes you cringe”.


Agree, since ww is now more haste dependend it will get worse.

Reading comprehension issue discovered. No one is talking about removing.

Not sure what this comment is about. Must be an “misdirected” poster /s

I like it, fun imo

I like it, but I don’t like the fact that you can’t move during animation.

Blizzard refuses to give Monk cool animations, then every Blizzcon they say, “We just don’t understand why Monk is the least played class every expansion…”.

This is always easier said than done.

WDP proccing a free DOCJ on use in insane damage in keys, not to mention that WDP actually kinda slaps in TWW in its own right.

Unless capacitor is competitive, which isn’t the case yet, you can’t not take it. It accounts for a boat load of your AoE profile thanks to either choice node underneath it.

I hear you and was upset for the same reason that all of Dragonflight saw 4,000 damage faelines as “required” to maintain a 12% bonus. But also, I just didn’t take them.

It is unfortunately as easily done as said. Not every player is pushing keys to the maximum, let alone their maximum. Most players would be better off playing something that is comfortable that they can optimize than forcing themselves to play something they can’t enjoy. This was my case with Monk for years, and right now it’s in a spot that for once I am thrilled to play.

(I also agree that the balance teams don’t do a great job and tend to nerf things that feel great instead of buffing things that need help, and wish that would change.)

I have a love/hate with this (usually hate), but the animation also makes you basically immune to knockbacks as well.

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Not a perfect solution but you can use the Lighter than Air talent to dash forward during the WDP animation if you need to get out of a mechanic.

Just press WDP, roll (either before or during), and then double jump as needed to move

I think it’s neat.

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