While you're fixing Vashj bugs, dont forget this one

Either Toxic Spore impact AOE is a unique and special snowflake that can hit Shaman totems, unlike any other AOE in the game… or you’ve been missing another bug.

It’s not listed as “not a bug” so I have to assume its been overlooked.

are you sure it’s not targeting the totem specifically?

You can use this to your advantage also.

The seed pod things from Dire Maul East or w/e they are that spawns the flower that AOEs, can be dropped 1 per person and eat a shot from the sporebat. Just place them to the side.

I mean High Astromancer Solarian can target totems with arcane missiles so I’d assume the sporebats do the same thing and there’s a single target impact damage component to them.

On Solarian you can snake trap also. But on Vahj that would be very counterintuitive because it would constantly spew on the tank and melee.

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