While we're updating so many animations

Can we PLEASE get one for Lightning Shield? And Earth Shield, and Water Shield…

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Better yet, can we have an option to disable those visuals entirely?

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I would not mind updates to the shields, especially Lightning Shield, but I’d also like glyphs to change the colors of them to other elemental colors at some point so we could make Lightning Shield red/orange, Earth shield white/grey etc.

Yes my daughter is always asking why there’s a thing going around me and I’m so tired of repeating myself. I’m a flecking shaman

I want those abilities removed and to be given proper lightning shield like in warcraft 3.

Id remove crash lightning in a heartbeat for a good lightning shield, not the insignificant passive clutter we currently have.

Heck make a talent apply it when you spend maelstrom on chain lightning if you want to save on button bloat.

Elemental shields are cool, what we get in wow sucks.