While waiting Shadowlands - what to do?

After years of playing WoW, there is a need for something new. Not a new location, instance, or battleground. A need for something like that:

  • totally new feelings
  • interesting experience
  • reenabled old content
  • increased character capabilities

And I have found it!

This is multiboxing.

It feels like you were an ordinary employee but instantly became a boss. You get a team under your control. The dream team - any classes you want with specializations you want, as well as professions. It’s like your best friends are always with you and they always do what you want. It’s an arena team in your pocket. And even more.

You can kill elite mobs. You can revenge your foes. You can level easily and funny. You can farm instances, gather more resources. You can help your clan teammates - x2, or x5, or even x8 times better! This is new feelings indeed.

I have tried multiboxing at the start of WoW Classic - dual leveling was faster and easier than single (mobs are hard in Classic). But besides leveling I got a brand new world of the World of Warcraft and an exciting experience.

Since there are a month before Shadowlands, multiboxing can make the waiting to be fun and interesting.

And nowadays it can be started in 15 minutes, absolutely for free, on the same account - just see the topic


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Take a break from the game.

Catch up on other games you’ve put aside cause WoW kept you busy. Currently progressing mount farms I always wanted to farm on FF14. With the delay I may also get around to the new No Man’s Sky update, as well as play Witcher 3 more since I’ve only played a little bit into it. Possibly also buy ESO’s on-sale Greymoor DLC+free other dlcs included and catch up a bit in ESO.

i could never understand people who plays just one game for years.

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Сonsistency is a sign of skill.

more like a sign of addiction

Nice idea OP! Sadly I’m past my multiboxing days. Did that in a couple of other games a few years back for big gold ingame.

If you were looking for more, having a bit of fun working on Artifact tints.

Let me enlighten you then. I only play wow. I don’t have time to devote to more than one game. I like the outdoors too, physical activity, etc.

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Funny how I can do all those things, with one account and friends in my guild! Never had the need to box.

Don’t get me wrong, I support you boxers, I rarely ever see you, and Blizzard allows you to be here. If you have the extra scratch to spend, go nuts!

This month is not different from the previous 20 months. There is nothing special about it. If you need a “what to do” now you needed a “what to do” a year ago.

I played 2 accounts (and often 3) at the same time in DAOC from 2001 to 2004. No software: I used 3 computers, 3 monitors, 3 keyboards and 3 mouses.

But there was a reason: in DAOC, every class killed slowly. Warriors killed quickly but took forever (60 seconds) to eat back to full health. Healers didn’t die, but took forever to kill anything. The only way to kill (quest, grind) quickly was in a group of 2 or more. So I multiboxed for that reason.

When I tried WoW, I found that every class could solo much more quickly than in DAOC. That’s why I switched – so I could stop multiboxing!

So thanks, but no thanks.

Just think how multiboxing extend your capabilities in WoW (as well as experience and fun).