Which zones would you overhaul and what story lines would you give them?

Let’s assume you’ve been given creative control to overhaul a zone of your choice: Which zone would you choose and why?

For me it is Duskwallow Marsh and Swamp of Sorrows, but admittedly I have put a lot more thought into the former than the latter.

Storylines to consider:
Induction of the Ogres as a official Horde race.
The rampant effects of the mana bomb on Theramore creating anomalies and arcane storms that force the Horde and Alliance into cooperation to purify and rebuild the city.
Goblins striking oil/harvesting peat and drawing the attention of the Grimtotem/Mistrunner to assault them, ending in compromise or gasp the destruction of that goblin outpost.
Dracthyr investigation of Onyxias lair.
Drust remnants settling the spooky swamp, Worgen witch outpost.

I would absolutely give the place a lot more ambient fog overall, even if it’s just knee high throughout the entire zone.


Blackrockrock Mountain, the Dracthyr discover the Dragonman experiments are continuing. :carpentry_saw::robot::test_tube:


I’d largely like to take the most pop-culture-y of zones and rework them, as well as using lower-level zones to seed recurring characters for the player to recognize later on.

Redridge: Make the zone quest about rebuilding the Brotherhood of the Horse and reclaiming Stonewatch as their former and once again base of operations, and Stormwind’s Conjurors investigating the Tower of Ilgalar. Involve lots of lore about these organizations, their past, and the history and lasting effects of the original Horde invasion on human lands (through the lore of Stonewatch and its current orc inhabitants).

Westfall: Keep the focus on the Defias, but make the supporting story about corruption in the House of Nobles and the devastation caused by all the world-ending threats that have impacted Stormwind.

  • Alter the CSI expy investigator and related NPCs into SI:7 agents investigating a resurgence of Defias activity.
  • Tone down the ‘haha dirty hobo’ jokes: have a set of 3-5 named homeless NPCs be recurring characters throughout the zone - NPCs that the player can recognize from past expansions, who lost everything in [past event/war x, y, or z] and are vulnerable to radicalization by the Defias.
    -One can be talked down through a detailed set of dialogue options before they do anything bad,
    -1-2 can be either talked down or fought unconscious after doing something they’ll regret,
    -1-2 become diehard converts and cannot be talked down (and if this is still set in a Cata timeline, I’d have them reappear as two named hostile convict conscripts in Taurajo later on).
  • Include 2-3 named House of Nobles families as major factions in questing:
    -The Ellerians as the well-meaning but undermanned and underfunded,
    -One minor, shady but ultimately neutral family who voluntarily quits their schemes when the player thwarts enough to make it unprofitable to continue (they can be minor recurring antagonists elsewhere, too),
    -And one family who’s been actively making Westfall worse (funding the Defias, giving them leads on where to hit Alliance aid efforts, and sabotaging the other two family’s efforts) in a scheme to discredit the Ellerians and have their lands moved to the schemer’s family instead - The player would slowly uncover this interference over the course of the zone, culminating in SI:7 asking the player to take out the family head since it’s been hidden well enough that there’s nothing that can be done legally.

I would update Dustwallow Marsh and the Hinterlands.

For Dustwallow Marsh, I would have Stonemaul Village reclaimed and converted into Stonemaul Fortress. Brackenwall Village remains as a Stonemaul/Horde outpost, while Horde Grimtotem loyalists arrive and seek to sway the Grimtotem in the region away from Magatha. One camp will join the Horde, the other will remain loyal to Magatha.

The Ruins of Theramore are claimed by rogue wizards, while Alcaz Island is claimed by the Alliance to keep an eye on the region.

Horde storyline is centered around the Stonemaul reinforcing their holdings and the Grimtotem civil war. Alliance storyline is centered around trying to figure what is going on in Theramore, while securing their holdings, and spying on the Stonemaul.

As for the Hinterlands, my revamp is centered around the Revantusk tribe. Jintha’Alor is firmly established as their new capital, with Elder and Primal Torntusk in charge, while Huntsman Markhor is now in charge of Revantusk Village, which has a boat path to both the Echo Isles and Zandalar.

As we quest in Jintha’Alor, we discover that the Revantusk were in talks with the Smolderthorn and Firetree tribes, who have left the Blackrock Mountains for greener pastures. By the time we arrive the Firetree have joined the Horde and joined the Revantusk in Jintha’Alor. However the Smolderthorn, led by a living War Master Voone, are more hesitant.

From Skulk Rock, the Smolderthorn are courted by both the Horde and an unexpected Vilebranch - Witherbark alliance. After a series of events, the Vilebranch and Witherbark launch on all out attack on Jintha’Alor, as the Revantusk and Firetree defend the city. During the attack we receive word that the Smolderthorn are on the move, with both sides uncertain as to what decision Voone will make.

A cutscene will then trigger, where Voone and the Smolderthorn are revealed to have come to aid the defenders of Jintha’Alor, in the vein of Gandalf and Rohirrim saving those at Helm’s Deep.

In the aftermath, the Witherbark are revealed to have fled, while the surviving Vilebranch fought to the bitter end, a grim end to a dark tribe. As the three tribes establish Jintha’Alor as a united Forest Troll capital for those who serve the Horde, with the leaders forming a council to help govern the city.


I just have to say that I absolutely love both of your ideas for Redridge/Westfall and Dustwallow/Hinters. The order of the horse fits so well into Redridge I can’t believe I never thought of that before, and the hinterlands questing ending in what is basically the creation of a brand new troll kingdom are both such good ideas.



With the Gilneans having reclaimed their kingdom make it so that now that they have the city they are cleaning up the rest of the zone.

Have some Heartsbane coven members who fled Kul’tiras be doing stuff in the Blackwald maybe? Would be cool to see Gilneans go up against witches and their monsters. Have the Gilneans lean into being the monsters fighting monsters that way and maybe give us some quests involving bad worgen, maybe a new Starlight Killer.

Let us SEE the bad side of being worgen since they want us to believe it’s such a horrible curse.


I like the ideas I’ve seen so far.

One of the zones I would like to overhaul the most is Duskwood. I would keep the gloomy atmosphere, because its awesome, but I would change the primary story of the zone to be about refugees settling in the region. Particularly those from Gilneas and Teldrassil. These new Worgen and Night Elven settlers would at first not be very welcome among the people of Darkshire but as they prove increasing helpful in dealing with the many threats of the zone they would come to be better accepted.

The primary story would start with a request from the newly reformed Night’s Watch to help find homes for the incoming refugees. From there they would have to deal with feral worgen, undead, and a new foe in the form of a Burning Legion cult. The refugees prove a deciding factor in not only unveiling this cult but defeating it. In the end a large Gilnean settlement is established at Raven Hill and a Night Elven settlement is established in the Twilight Grove.


I’m really surprised we never got any story details about stuff like this happening, even if we didn’t see it reflected in-game. The Worgen and Night Elves were homeless for 7 years before Night Elves got Amirdrassil and the Worgen got Gilneas back. You’re telling me they remained all homeless in Stormwind that whole time? I doubt it.

I think it would make sense that some Gilneans would have gone to Duskwood since some went there back in Cata to help the worgen. It would have been cool if more went there and joined them to make a “mini-Gilneas” in Duskwood. And with Night Elves they have that grove in the middle of Duskwood so it would make sense for some to move there to be close to that!

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It might also be fun to see duels between the Blackwald and the Harvest Witches. There could be an interesting rivalry between the two groups.

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Ashenvale: Split the current zone into two zones: Ashenvale (west of the Falfarren River) vs Forest’s Edge (east of the river). Ashenvale has minimal Horde presence on its borders only and is focused on night elf heartland stuff. Forest’s Edge is a contested zone slightly favoring the Horde, focused on the lumber/resource conflict, Demon Fall Canyon, etc.


  • Orendil’s retreat is now about satyr corruption and not the Horde, and the main figure of the questline is a novice Moon Priestess Relara Whitemoon, now healing other sick children in turn.
  • Maestra’s Post is about Moon Priestess duties and negotiating with the nearby furbolgs, not the Horde invading, etc.
  • The volcano is gone - the region is now focused around the hidden moonwell.
  • Silverwind Refuge has been reclaimed and its quests center around calming the spirits of Mystral Lake, the same furbolg quest chain that’s been around since vanilla, and showing how night elf hunting lodges and hunters work - how they feed their people and manage game populations, so there’s something to compare their criticism of others to.
  • I’d remove Zoram’gar Outpost, but give the Horde a similar flightpath in a tauren village along the north coast of Stonetalon instead.
  • I’d have some Botani infestation story on the southeastern portions of the zone near the Mor’shan Ramparts - both quests to repel any further spread of the Botani, but also some quests with an aggressive druid faction who have been encouraging the Botani infestation on the Horde side of the ramparts. (They’d be an enemy in northern Barrens questing, as enemies in the Barrens oases trying to establish Botani infestations there as well.)
  • The Shrine of Aessina has some quests around gathering and presenting offerings in a ceremony led by a druid and priestess, showing some of the cultural practices there.
  • Because I love the deep forest angle, there would be several small paths and a few quests set up in the forest canopy, with paths between the trees and ramps up to this layer scattered throughout the zone.

Forest’s Edge:

  • The Horde side focuses more on the real effects of their resource shortages, clearly establishing their stakes. There’s a mix of characters who are here because they need the resources to bring back to Orgrimmar, they want a defensible zone around Orgrimmar, and some who just really want a good fight.
  • Horde-side faction conflict quests are split between fighting for combat’s sake, protecting loggers, and going out to hunt game animals and the same set of named, night-elf-trained creatures as vanilla Ashenvale questing.
  • Alliance questing is about driving out the Horde, stymieing the satyr at Satyrnaar, trying to regrow areas that have already been logged, setting traps poisoned with dryad poison against the loggers, and training the wildlife to better fight the Horde.
  • Demon’s Fall Canyon has a big Horde storyline about Grom, Mannoroth, and the legacy of demon control and refuting that control.
  • The main factions are the Silverwing Sentinels and Warson Outriders, so the questing builds them up as factions with recognizable characters and fleshed-out motivations.
  • The Horde has more control of the ground areas, but the night elves would have more presence in a similar forest canopy layer - yet another reason the Horde is cutting down these trees.


I have two ideas for the zone but they are not very original.

Anyway, first would be the a combination between the stuff from Drustvar and Undead. Basically a coven of witches make an alliance with a necromancer. You get more version of the pig-men if you recall, more stitched abominations, which start shambling into Elwynn forest and bother to ERP-ers in Goldshire. No, I’m kidding, they just attack the road to Stomrwind. Player is sent to investigate and like in Drustvar you start uncovering the plot. It’s nothing complicated, you go, start finding hints where to go next, meet people who feed you information bit by bit until you have a full picture of how the respective alliance formed and what it aims to do. Despite being the biggest hero ever you discover that you need help, but who? Well the guys from Drustvar for the witches and get yourself a few paladins from Stormwind. You create a Stormwind Witch Hunter order that specializes in fighting not just Drust witches, but undead and other forms of dark Halloween stuff. Seek out a few members, create a core team, add a few quests to gear them up, another few to train them up, then you start the real hunt which leads obviously to the bosses of this covenant. So you defeat the bosses and crisis averted? No. Witches curse the land and it’s forever tainted, monsters will always lurk beneath the trees of Duskwood, ghosts cursed to never truly die but return to haunt that place forever. The Witch-hunters have to remain there and protect the rest of the world from the dark things in that forest.

The other version similar, but instead of witches you get the Emerald Nightmare, a surviving part of it uses the druid portal to start seeping into reality. The denizens of Duskwood start feeling the effects, but slowly. Apparitions, voices in the dark, horror stuff, right? Well, the player gets sent in but for something unrelated, because nobody really knows what’s happening, just that something IS happening. So, you go there, start experiencing the effects of the nightmare, like Admiral Taylor shows up and says the Horde is attacking and beckons you to follow him. But wait, he’s dead. Stuff like that, proper horror stuff like they pretended they were gonna add in Shadowlands but it ended up being a joke. So now it’s clear that the situation is serious. Run back to Stormwind and pass on the information. Now since the player dealt with the Nightmare before they can hint that it might be that, or have one of the Nelfs, preferably Broll Bearmantle recognize the nightmare and he spearheads the mission to stop the nightmare corruption from expanding.
You go back to Duskwood, Broll or whatever nelf is chosen for this task, start researching this nightmare corruption to tell you that it’s not the same as the previous, more research reveals that it is connected directly to the void, not the Old Gods. He recognizes that he needs help, so he requests help from the Velfs and the Green Dragons who each send representatives, I don’t know much about either so, I won’t say who.
Because of the nature of the nightmare you are gonna need to use the emerald dream to effectively combat this new nightmare, so with the help of the green dragons they start training people, how to enter the dream and BOOM, lore for human druids. Even velf, if it’s not too dumb.
Anyway, the situation is bad. The nightmare starts to manifest with more intensity, follow a few more quests investigating the occurrences, where again, you are haunted by apparitions from your past, which seek to trick you, drive you insane and eventually it is concluded that something has hijacked the druid portal, via the Emerald Dream to enter Azeroth through it. The final quest culminates in a fight at the portal with SOMETHING trying to get in, you don’t really know what it is, only that it comes form the void and it’s malevolent, you can’t even see the whole thing, just parts of it trying to grab a hold of something to pull itself into reality. During the fight you are assaulted by both this thing and the effects it has on your sanity. Eventually you beat it back but the nelf druid boss informs you that the thing from the void has an anchor here in reality and the corruption it inflicted on the area cannot be fully cleansed. Duskwood will remain a place where madness will slowly seep into those who linger there for too long. The new “druid” order is tasked with creating a border around the zone and continuing to fight back the nightmare corruption when it tries to spread across this established border.

That’s it. I’m not a writer, I’m not even that versed in WoW lore, so feel free to shoot holes in these stories.


Aviala, you absolute genius. These ideas are so good. :heart:

I’d do a massive sweeping overhaul of every starter zone + the capitals to bring them into the current worldstate and then just have it shunt you off to chromie time after you’re done with Durotar/Elwynn/etc

Easier than doing a full old world revamp


I still prefer my idea, but I like this too.

There are two other zones I would overhaul with one being the Arathi Highlands.

With Stromggarde restored I would focus the zone on being a major of conflict between the Alliance and the Horde. Most notably because Stromgarde is much more aggressive in its tactics than Stormwind. The Stromgarde army recruits’ members of the Alliance to help secure the Highlands so it can be used as a base to support other territories throughout the Northern Eastern Kingdoms. To that end adventurers are asked to join the Stromgarde Army as they eliminate ogre and troll encampments throughout the zone. The criminals of the syndicate seem to have been hired by the Forsaken to spy on and/or sabotage Alliance operations and an order is given to arrest or kill the criminals on sight. After the events of BFA the Horde has largely abandoned the zone with only the Defilers continuing a small presence in an effort to control the Arathi Basin. The Stromgarde army has placed a significant bounty on members of the Defilers. For any Alliance partisans this zone is their dream come true as Danath Trollbane proves to be the most anti-Horde leader in the Alliance complete with his belief that another war with the Horde in inevitable and he intends to be ready when it happens.

The other zone is the Hillsbrad Foothills.

Actually, I would split the Hillsbrad Foothills into two zones with the Hillsbrad Foothills to the South and the Alterac Mountains to the North.

The Hillsbrad Foothills would be split between the Horde and the Alliance with the Horde controlling the land above the main road close to the mountains and the Allaince controlling the south along the coastline. Terran Mill is bastion of Horde activity while Southshore is rebuilt and becomes the center of Alliance forces. The Horde are primarily concerned with securing routes into Northern Lordaeron and a safe route to the Raventusk Tribe Trolls. The Alliance is more concerned with repairing the damage to the area around Southshore and building a stable supply route to Gilneas. Both sides maintain an uneasy peace with the commanders of the Terran Mill and Southshore being careful to keep hotter headed officers in line. That said, flashpoints do erupt between the two factions and adventurers are often used by both sides as they can be easily disavowed for their actions.

The Alterac Mountains are firmly controlled by the Horde with the city of Alterac having been claimed by a combined force of Forsaken and Blood Elf troops. The Horde’s goals are to build a great observatory to keep watch on threats from the Alliance and any remnant Scourge forces. To that end any remaining ogres are to be either recruited to the Horde’s cause or eliminated. The Syndicate criminals have a large base in the zone and while they may be on the Horde’s payroll they cannot be trusted either. Especially with rumors that they have a pact of some kind with the remnants of the Scarlet Crusade. Many of the more militant members of the Forsaken have come to Alterac as they see it as the perfect base from which to either defend against aggression from Stromgarde or as a means of striking out against the Alliance if need be.


I’d update Dread Wastes. Because I have Mantid Bias.

The Wastes are in ruin, first devastated by the Sha and then again during N’zoth’s little stint. Of the major Kypari, only Zan’vess has remained untainted due to it’s distance from the mainland. The swarm is in shambles and Shek’zara had not ruled long enough to produce any known eggs, leaving no future Empress. With no one to lead, the Klaxxi are forced to step in and lead the shattered Mantid.

For the Horde:

Klaxxi’va Vor, recognizing that the Mantid are in a desperate state, attempts to convince the remaining Klaxxi to consider allegiances to other parties to survive, as they did with the Wakener. They refuse, convinced the Old Ones will still return and continue to recklessly embrace its power. So, Vor takes matters into his own hands and sends a call through a mind-controlled Shado Pan to the Wakener to help his people once more (The Shado Pan is released immediately after)

The Horde questline then focuses on assisting Vor, who clues them in to the current state of the Dread Wastes and admits that the Mantid need to change with the world in order to survive. The first batch of quests focus on awakening another batch of Paragons to bolster their chances at securing control from the remaining Klaxxi.

Once a new group of Paragons is assembled, Vor turns his attention to securing the remaining Kypari: Zan’vess and the Void-infected Kor’Vess. Kor’vess is claimed from Klaxxi loyalists, but Zan’vess is held by a surprising force: The Rajani. The Rajani are revealed to be taking advantage of the Swarm’s weakness to begin the final elimination of the Mantid, who are designated as Voidborn. Defeating the Rajani incursion begins to sway the mind of some Mantid, who flock to Vor’s future for the Swarm.

Finally, the final act Vor leads his Swarm to confront the remaining Klaxxi at Klaxxi’vess and defeats them, wresting control of the swarm. This ends with a cutscene of Vor stepping over the Klaxxi’va’s remains and channels his amber magic into the shrine in the center of the base. As he does, the scene shifts to Kor’vess where the void magics are seemingly being expelled by a surge of power within the Kypari. The scene ends with the tree being completely purged of the taint of the Void.

As an epilogue, Vor admits that he could not have done this without the help of the Wakener. With the threat of the Rajani along with their precarious position on Pandaria, Vor declares the Mantid need allies, one they think they can find with the Wakener: The Horde. In a fun last questline, you join Vor and the Paragons in attempting to enter Orgrimmar, only for the Mantid to be attacked by the guards. You battle your way to Grommash Hold, all defeated guards either being encased in amber or simply knocked unconscious. When you arrive, you and Vor enter the hold alone and another cutscene plays. Vor enters the Hold and stands before the new council and states his desire to join forces. The council rebukes him on account of the Mantid’s previous allegiances and demands his departure. Instead, Vor speaks of how the swarm’s greatest heroes stood side by side with the Horde once, though for the wrong reasons, and solemnly admits that the Mantid have been fools. He claims he finally understands that even if the Old Gods were their worship, Azeroth was their home and those gods would have tortured and corrupted it, just as they did the Kypari. Lilian speaks up for them, offering them a chance to redeem themselves. Slowly, other members of the council agree that a second chance should be given, as many of them had been given the same.

Mantid become a playable Horde race and their go to race for Void based expansions. Because I have Mantid Bias.

Alliance would have a separate experience, either in the Southern Dread Wastes or in Kun’lai, revolving around the Rajani, ending with the titanforged Mogu joining the Alliance.


The best part is Pandaren on both sides would throw an absolute crap-fit at having either option presented as an ally, and finally introduce the Pandaren race to the much needed inter-faction turmoil they desperately need.


As someone else with a Mantid Bias, I am all for this.


I really think we could get the Mantid in on the church of Broxxigar, I’m for this.


Considering the Mantid’s highly Darwinian mindset, I can’t but think they would actually respect the Horde trying to kill them on sight considering their history; and ultimately see fighting their way into Grommash Hold as a “Test” the same way Mantid swarmborn have to attack the Serpent Spine just to become sapient and earn citizenship.

Like, to the Horde, this event is a direct assault on Orgrimmar that must be responded to with all available forces.

To the Mantid, they think this is a test to earn membership, and it makes 100% sense to them because that is what it HAS to be.

I can imagine having a few NPC’s to talk to during the event:

Amber-Restrained Guard: “[Name] What is happening?! The Mantid are attacking, HERE, in Orgrimmar! What are you doing?”

Klaaxi Paragon: Is this how your people greet all potential allies [Name]? Good, they are wiser than most. To accept any ally without testing their strength first would be foolish. But we will rise to the challenge.

Kaaxi Paragon: I have had my head nearly split open several times. A walking corpse almost killed me with a plague I have never seen before. Every shadow is alive with hunters and a constant danger. One of your kind, an “Orc” almost had the earth swallow me whole. Incredible! Once we prove ourselves and join our strength with the Horde, no foe will overcome us.

Like Orgrimmar is treating this as an invasion, but the Mantid are just having the time of their lives.

Klaaxi: Okay, we just fought our way past all your guards to prove our strength. We can join the Horde now right? That was test right? That’s how this works?

Horde: Uhh… Yeah, sure. That was a totally just a test.

Klaaxi: Excellent! We will strengthen both of our peoples!


Thought of an update for the Northern Barrens.

Since the arrival of the denizens of AU Draenor, things have gotten a bit chaotic. The Botani have taken over the Oasis in the region, claimed the Wailing Caverns, and are trying to expand their holdings. Meanwhile the Saberon tribes claimed the Horde town controlled by Regthar Deathgate that is to the west of the Crossroads, taken over the Sludge Fen from the Venture Company, and claimed the Kor’kron elemental camp as their own. In turn the Kor’kron meat camp was claimed by Regthar Deathgate and the survivors of the attack, while they plot vengeance against the Saberon.

Furthermore Nozzlepot’s Outpost was destroyed when the goblin alchemists experiments with the Wild Goren went awry. However the locals were able to retreat to the Kor’kron refinery, which has since been remained Nozzlepot’s Refinery. Questing deals with fighting against the Saberon tribes and the Botani incursion.

Meanwhile the Kor’kron lumber yard was converted into a proper Horde outpost that the Mag’har are in control. Questing deals with setting the Saberon and Harpies against one another and the Botani in order to spare the Horde from getting caught in the crossfire.

While the Northern Barrens descends into chaos, a different form has taken control of Ratchet. Following Gazlowe’s ascension to Trade Prince and joining of the Horde, a representative of the Steamwheedle Cartel arrived to settle the matter of leadership only to have the goblins clash with one another as the nominate themselves. With things so uncertain, the Southsea Freebooters see this as the perfect opportunity to invade and claim the city as their own.

As they invade, the quick thinking of Wharfmaster Dizzywig sees them coming to an alliance with the Saberon that claimed the Kor’kron elemental camp. In the aftermath, impressed with Dizzywig’s actions and negation skills in recruiting the Saberon see him promoted as Ratchet’s official leader.

Horde questing mainly deals with securing their holdings, with the over all story being around the Botani incursion, keeping it contained, dealing with the other threats in the region, and then ending with a full blown Botani on the Crossroads. As the attack progresses, various character’s we’ve aided arrives as reinforcements, and help repel the attack.

In the aftermath, we’re sent to the Wailing Caverns to try and cut the head off the snake.