Which WoW expansion has the worst lore?

As the title asks: which WoW expansion do you think has the worst lore?
Every other expaction at least trued to have a true story with a main antagonist.
Cataclysm. The main (non-dragon) enemies are twilight cultists, who are working as hard as they can to destroy the world. This, of course, would destroy them too, but not one of them seems to have thought that far ahead.
WoD - time travel is almost always stupid as a plot device; and they took it way too far. Made a complete mess of everything.
In defense of Cataclysm - the various Cultists were planning on destroying the world, but they had made arrangements to "ascend" as elementals, and the various elemental planes of existence were going to be just fine. Also, the Lion-centaurs were being reverted back to stone-bodies and would also be able to survive in a post-cataclysm world.

That being said... as much as I love BC, I'd say it was the weakest in terms of the way it presented lore - mostly because of how much had to be retconned by the time we got to Legion. Like it's even worse than the Zandalari/Zul'Gurub interaction in the Vanilla raid.
Burning Crusade used to be claimed as having the worst lore.

the community manager lore got his nick from burning crusade meme "lol lore" (or "lore lol") before he was a CM , guess he shorted it to just lore.

although personally have to say WoD it succeeded in bringing the numbers on but failed on so many levels
Worst lore?...

Legion. Hands down.

That is really hard.... I would say wod. People are weirdly cool with hellscream after freeing him from the demon.
Any lore that gets Timey Wimey is horrendous. I'm looking at you WoD.
10/28/2018 10:49 AMPosted by Shendalar
WoD - time travel is almost always stupid as a plot device; and they took it way too far. Made a complete mess of everything.

WoD was so disappointing.

"OMFG, we can actually meet the big bads and influential heroes of WC1-WC3 lore? This is going to be incredible!"

Skip forward to the end of the whole expansion and the characters have been altered so much that the only reason they even bothered to use them must've been as a marketing ploy.
Wod and BFA are both terrible in my opinion.

One of them has time travel and another one has a pointless war plot.
everything after lich king
WoD with the time travel crap.
Being completely honest here: TBC.

It had to retcon the Eredar, Draenei, and Sargeras right out of the gate. First warning sign.

It introduced intergalactic spaceships and other sci-fi stuff. Second warning sign.

Many prominent Warcraft 3 characters became raid bosses for no reason. Third and ultimate warning sign.

Kael'thas' fate is still the absolute worst, most left-field lore move they've ever made. It never made sense for the character whatsoever. Same goes for Illidan.

Naaru were a big mistake to introduce. Blood Elves on Horde never really felt right. Draenei always felt like an after thought.

Also started the horrible trend of making iconic Alliance characters neutral quest-givers, while killing off iconic Horde characters (which continues to this day).
P.S. add in on legion point.

When pretty much all of your major RP communities have to get together and retcon a main stable of lore for your expansion... you know you f'd up the lore.
They literally jumped the shark right after vanilla, with space goats crashing on the planet.
Unpopular opinion: All of them.

Although specific characters and chunks of it are fun. The warcraft story as a whole has never been good.
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I didn't like Warlords lore all that much either, felt like a ''hey you know that movie we're making here's those same dudes!''
Mists of Pandaria. After a game and three expansions of "good guys and bad guys on both sides, the factions' heroes need to work together to defeat the real villains," suddenly we got "The Alliance is about Lawful Good overdrive and the Horde is led by Hitler*!"

*I seem to remember this name being censored here. Austrian dictator. Kind of famous.
BC. It completely ruined everything WC3 built.