Which version of the game should I start with?

I’m a new player and I want to experience the story of WoW in order. There are three versions of the game available right now and I don’t know where to start. At first I thought I should just start with Classic but I’ve heard that it’s too late most people have moved on. Tried live version but it threw me into BFA which I did not enjoy much. I’m not sure if I need to play Classic before I try Burning Crusade Classic. I’ve also heard that Fresh Classic is coming soon. Should I just wait for that? Anyone that can help is much appreciated.

I would start with Burning Crusade retail in chromie time. Very little in the way of lore happened in Vanilla, so your not missing much.

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Try them all, but keep in mind they’re each different versions of the game.

If you try one and don’t enjoy it, don’t let that deter you from trying the other two.


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I’ve tried to talk to Chromie but there were no options available for me. Is there something I need to unlock first?

What is your end game objective?

If you’re looking for story experience, live modern wow is your best bet as it has the story for every expansion.

Classic will only show you the vanilla storyline, and is probably mostly dead, though I wouldn’t know, I haven’t been there in over a year.

Tbc might work if you only care about the 1st xpack.

Honestly if you want know wow lore it’s better to watch YouTube videos… Even in live wow, the levelling experience right now isn’t anywhere near cohesive or linear of a path. (You can pretty much either follow 1 xpack story, or do bits of several before max level).

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That’s sound reasoning. I’m just wondering if it’s worth grinding out a character in Classic dead servers if Fresh servers are coming soon.

Probably not worth it. I haven’t heard anything about fresh servers, but if they are planned it would be wise to wait.

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I kind of want to just work my way through the story from the beginning. I’m more interested in just questing and getting the lore than endgame. Also fine working my way through one iteration and moving on to the next. Just don’t want to start Classic if nobody else is there.

Yea then you want retail/live wow. That way you can just pick your xpack and go wherever you want. Do the chromie time as others said.

The main difficulty with live is not getting lost/ going in the right order. Wow doesn’t do a good job at introducing new players in my opinion.

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There is not much on story. The main story of WoW is your toon’s story… your adventure. You start with a toon with nothing. You get your basic gear then you delve to the dungeons to get more powerful items. Then you go deeper and deeper to the hardest den of monsters. You would fail countless times but you would rise up and improve to get to the treasures and the most powerful artifacts making your hero way more powerful.

The more you devote your time to the game, the better your toon would be. Go ahead make a new good story of your toon. Good luck.

You dont need to go to past expansions. Just level up and go to the end game.

If you want it easier, try Classic first.


I don’t quite understand how Chromie works. When I talk to her there are no options other than goodbye.

I don’t 100% get it myself depending on where you’re at. I know you have to be at least level 10, and less than 50.

Idk if I can send links here but I’ll try. If not, there’s a decent guide on wowhead if you search for chromie time

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Thanks that explains it a lot better. So I guess Chromie only works for leveling alts after you get your first character to 50. That’s sort of lame because the game forces you to do BFA. I wanted to just level my first character through the story in order.