Which spec for Undermine?

Which is looking best for Undermine, Sin or Sub?

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Been largely playing Sub, and liking it so far.

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On paper it is sub but in our hearts of hearts it is Assassination.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_woman:

Is there a significant difference in dps. I’m just trying to get my gear list sorted out before we start raid this week.

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Looks like sub will be the go to overall but I think sin will still be strong in keys and maybe a couple raid fights.

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Buff Outlaw 2025

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Tbh, i just prefer Sub cause i dont have the deal with the atrocious Energy Regen of Sin.

Plus going burst mode on Sub feels GOOD.

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This is the reason why i played Sub all of S1 despite it not being the meta spec. The Sub buffs last week pushed it to the top

I ran a few delves this morning using Subtlety. It felt pretty good for the most part. There were moments when I was just face stabbing and that felt weird.

I think I’m going with Sub for this raid tier.

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Face stabbing happens with Assassination too but the difference is that you feel more rewarded doing so as Sub. Assassination is in a state where it has a lot of passives doing the heavy work. Some like it that way and others prefer more activity and energy for the spec.


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman: