Which Side Do You Choose if You Had to Show Your Allegiance?

Alliance. Always.

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I mean… um… for the alliance?

You forgot to mention “some of you play alliance for friends” or “horde for friends”.

I am playing alliance for friends, but I am truly horde.

My allegiance is to night elven people and uncle illidan.

And “my money”. lol

Horde all the way. I hate Sylvanas and Nathanos but deep down I’m horde for life.

I have no allegiance to either. Sylvanas is disgusting and the lion cub is a pretentious creep. I like the Alliance quests and zones better, but only marginally. Can’t say anything about the players since I hardly ever get to meet them. Enter dungeon, race full bore to the end, leave. Hello? HELLO!? Nope.

I have allegiance to my characters (lots of those). Everything else is just sort of … there.

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Lol it’s more like 50-60%

I would just quit because I’m not gonna be forced to choose.

read in a derpy human paladin voice “for the Alliance!” (and indoor plumbing).

Loyal Hordie for 12 years. FOR THE HORDE!

Ignore the red my allegiance is for the Alliance. Although I am not opposed to ending the faction war altogether.

I am a mercenary I have no allegiance to anyone.

Now if Dolly and Dot would just ask I would pledge my mace to them.

All hail the Lich Queen… Me