Which Side Do You Choose if You Had to Show Your Allegiance?


The Horde blindly follows a lunatic every now and then.

Once upon a time I wouldā€™ve quite happily have said Horde.

My first character was a Troll Hunter and I loved how different the Horde was compared to classic fantasy Alliance. However, I just donā€™t know anymoreā€¦ Really not a fan of the constant War Chief Crisis, as much as my heart once laid with the hordeā€¦ I feel like Iā€™d choose Alliance today. :sweat:

Iā€™d like to be loyal to the Horde. But the story is such a dumpster fire for both the main factions that thereā€™s nothing to choose between them.

So Iā€™ll just sayā€¦

For the Vulpera!!

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I never think in factions, but this character is my main.

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Seem to be evenly split so far.

If I could have a Nelf and be horde, I would forever be happy.

With that said, I just go where I want. I started BfA as horde, went alliance mid xpac, now Iā€™m back horde side.

I also move servers a bit. I just look to see where the active crowds are. I like busy servers and auction house. I donā€™t do much group content so why I need to be on a busy server is weird, but I like an active world. Also if I can get needed items off the auction house, inexpensively, then Iā€™m happy.

Neither side has shown to be worth supporting - the Horde keeps relapsing into Villainy so often theyā€™re clearly doing it on purpose, and the Alliance gets continually bludgeoned with the stupidity bat to make it happen.

The plot contrivances and senselessness show that thereā€™s no reason to be loyal to either side. Both sides will be conveniently lobotomized the next time Blizzard feels like putting them in a box and poking them with sticks to make them fight becauseā€¦ well what else is Blizzard going to do with them?

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If I were forced to pick a side it would be Alliance simply for the dwarves. I also prefer not getting hit with the villain bat and having the writers insult my intelligence. Honestly Iā€™d love to be neutral because at this point I feel little reason to be tied to any faction.

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Back in the day, I couldnā€™t stand all the kiddies who played Alliance. So a part of me will always be Horde.

Storywise? Definitely Horde. The sanctimonious Anduin and his cohort turns my stomach. I would be more interested in the Alliance if they werenā€™t so Pollyanna-good. Arthas was so long ago that his interesting story has little power over us anymore. Illidan?

What Stormwind needs is some slimy high priest who isnā€™t a ridiculous Ursula sea-witch caricature but someone who appears truly good but turns out to be a power-hungry evil guy that has a real chance of destroying or taking over the throne. That would be interesting.


For the Vulpera.

I have all 12 classes on both sides at 120. I prefer and associate with Alliance though. Just overall better story and aesthetics. Could never get into the horde much tbh. They wouldnā€™t even be 120 if it wasnā€™t for the anniversary event.

This. I feel like the entire question is unfair, because Blizz canā€™t make up their mind what the Horde is. I would join the Steamweedle Cartel and call it a day, since they are technically neutral.

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for the horde

gnomes are simply disgusting. And now they have two of those

Horde. /10char

somebody needs a tickleā€¦

/tickle :wink:


Thatā€™s a really tough question. Not sure I could answer it, could be why I play both sides.
/dodges question

Thatā€™s a good choice. For some odd reason Earthen Ring popped into my head and itā€™s not even because of my love for Magni. lol Iā€™d probably be happy joining my fellow hunters of the Unseen Path.

Alliance probably. The two horde characters Iā€™m most endeared to I see more as neutral faction- leaning (my druid is absolutely part of the Cenarion Circle, the DK could not give a flying gnome about the factions per se)

If I had to choose? The Alliance, but Iā€™d rather be neutral and be part of a third party neutral faction.

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Allegiance is only for the alliance.

Horde folks are all for convenience. Might the horde be inconvenient, they all reroll alliance.