Which servers do we shard with?

I know it’s Moon Guard … but who are the others? Thanks.

I think Emerald Dream…?
I know I’ve seen other realms pop up every now and again, but I think that is from people inviting them to groups.

Things have probably changed, but last I remember I think by default it’s everyone in our Battlegroup which is Emberstorm I think.

Yet I think it may have changed because I know we shard with every RP realm by default and not all RP realms are in our Battlegroup. I have seen realms like Proudmore, Illidan and Tichondrius around which are also not in our battlegroup but might be getting pulled in by pre-made groups perhaps by individuals or group finder perhaps?

I might be totally wrong on how it works now but that’s how I remember it at least but I suspect it has changed.

Moon Guard, Emerald Dream, Cenarion Circle are the only 3 i can think of

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Yeah I was just on my paladin on ED and we ran into a group of Sunfury Battalion elves. Clan Battlehammer :wink:

Emerald Dream also shards with Area 52, Tich, Sargaeras, … yuck … WrA never shards with that crowd does it?

I’ve seen Feathermoon before. The Olde PvP Servers don’t share shards with us, but you might see some that got phased onto our server for various reasons, like grouping for keys, friends hanging out, and of course the old RP griefers raid groups.

Oh and I thiiiink we have Thorium Brotherhood and Blackwater Raiders or something like that too, but maybe I’m getting some wires crossed here.

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in WM on the isles?
why would anyone rp while in wm unless its rppvp?

So far I like who Wyrmrest Accord shards with!

Oh I thought this was just in general and not PvP oriented. What I’m referring to are the raids on capitals targeting RP hubs, which is where I see most of the non-RP players in our shard.

Does this happen?
I really can’t recall full-on raids come to SW specifically targeting people RPing.
I remembered this happened pretty much every week on ED which is probably why most RPers left that server, but WrA?

Maybe its different Horde side, does Alliance do this in Org?

Why is your armory character red?

Every month or two Orgrimmar will get the ol’ raid on Valley of Honor. It happened a lot more during BfA but still happens. I apologize because I worry my comment about that may be stirring the pot when the thread is mainly about what shards you’ll find on WRA. Basically, it’s RP servers and if you see non-RP servers they’re grouping up with folk on our realm to come over, for whatever reason have you.

It is a gift from the Burning Masters that only the most devoted to Sargeras may enjoy.

Or probably just some weird interaction with the armory and common/poor quality transmogs. I’m wearing a worgen starter character robe.


Nightborne and Zandalari Trolls seem to be cosplaying the Kool-Aid mascot lately. They’re both red on the forums/armory. It’s one of my favorite armory bugs to date so far, especially since they’re semi-transparent so they’re not only cosplaying the Kool-Aid mascot but also cosplaying the ghost of the Kool-Aid mascot.


This was a problem with Alliance on WRA during the latter half of BfA. There was a Twitch Streamer from Tich I think, that basically made it their thing to phase into WRA Stormwind and camp and disrupt RP and try to hand wave it off as, oh we’re RPing boohoo.

I think that and Shadowlands contributed to the decline to the Alliance population because you couldn’t RP in Stormwind. They would spam toys with the intention to lag out people, if you tried to take a portal to SW you’d get trapped in loading screens and DC. People had to move to their Garrison or elsewhere. Fortunately Mead Hall was still going so we just stuck to Ironforge but they still disrupted the pre-patch RP event people tried to do.

Silvermoon also had a similar problem, during I think late Legion and early BfA. Griefer raid groups would attack SMC and do the usual spam toys, pull guards on people RPing and make the area unplayable.

When people would go to trade asking for help to stop the griefers got a lot of “ha-ha-ha elves are homophobic slur” and then later those people are like, oh no why is RP declining? Hhhmm maybe attacks on any part of the RP community is an attack on all of it?

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I usually only see the usual rp servers, including the smaller ones. When it’s someone from Area 52, Illidan, Sargeras, etc, they seem to be multi boxers and having a toon pull their alts to our shards.

But hey, I’ll take the free bloody tokens from the multi boxers and sparks :yum:

This wasn’t an explicit reason as to why I swapped to the Horde–I simply liked Altielle more than my Alliance toons. But it absolutely was a reason why I didn’t go back after a while.