Hi all,
I recently levelled a toon to 30 on the HC realms and realized how much I missed the levelling of era. I’ve decided that, until the official HC realms come out, I’d like to make a new, fresh level one on one of the era realms in the meantime.
I would like to play this toon super casually and have decided just a regular PVE, non-HC server would work for me.
Is Mankrik or Pagle a good server to start with? I have read two separate sites about the server populations and they seem populated and great, but I’d love to hear from the community that actually plays there on how active they are in terms of grouping, questing, AH, and end-game.
For some more info, I haven’t decided if I will be playing Alliance or Horde so would love to hear from both factions.
Thank you for your time. 
Mankrik is the only choice.
Would you say that that server would be okay to play on for either Alliance or Horde? It looked heavily Alliance populated in numbers but I’m not sure if that means that I wouldn’t have fun if I were to roll there as Horde either.
Both sides are playable, problem is no one does the scans horde side on mankrik so there’s no accurate population data. Easiest way to check is AH activity
Thanks everyone! Mankrik it is. 
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By the way, your HC character can be transferred to Mankrik for free, if you wish to continue with it there.
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Ooh yeah I did hear about this. If you die you can get a free xfer there right? Might as well get my level 1 started then. Thank you!
If you are currently on Bloodsail you can transfer for free. Go to the shop choose transfer then choose the free option. The Mankrik destination is free.
The transfer you mentioned is in the future hardcore server, after death.
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