Which ring runes should a warrior use in high end raids?

If he’s a human warrior and wielding Thunderfury? Or a human DPS warrior or Ret Pal using Sulfuras?
Are humans race perk the empty ring slots now?

You can swap runes, use whichever + skill to the weapon you’re using

Right, which ones would you use?

you could do what they mentioned when they first told us about these light switch weapon skill runes and use a ranged option for extra hit when pulling.

Humans are the worst effected by these weapon skill changes with no compensation. all it did was make Horde the best faction all round.

I’m sure if they didn’t implement these there would be more amazing axes for Orcs anyway.

Seems pretty obvious:
Use it for a weapon you’re using that you don’t already have skill into.
Or use it for ranged.

And let the other one be Defense. (Maybe you’ll get squished less if you pull off the tank…)
And it’ll certainly make life more interesting for dual wield opponents in PvP.

Maybe for warriors, Paladins gotta be loving it.
Hit with Holy Spells AND 25 Defense they can turn into SP.

Thunderfury, Blessed Axe of the Windseeker
Sulfuras, Handaxe of Ragnaros.

Just do it blizz, make the human warrior cry more.
(Roll a holy priest and then complain…)

They told us you shouldn’t worry about weapon skill for what race you pick before launch.

What they should have said is :

You shouldn’t worry about weapon skill for what race you pick… UNLESS YOUR HUMAN WARRIOR OR ROGUE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA SCREW YOU HUMANS

honestly I’m kind of fine with that