Which remaining clan is the strongest?

Even before the Horde the Frostwolf Clan was the smallest. I doubt their numbers are great.

Reading comprehension, what even is

Doesen’t change what I say. I doubt they ever had a chance to grow larger.


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 They forgot the Laughing Skull Clan 


They are dead mate.

Depends on whether the Dragonmaw are divided between pro and anti- Horde (kinda like the Grimtotem) or if the entire clan joined the New Horde under the leadership of Gorfax. If the latter is the correct option, I think they may very well be the strongest clan indeed.

Though the Warsong are obviously pretty powerful. Also Jorin said he intends to reunite the Bleeding Hollow, who could prove to be an important addition as well

I had the impression that the majority of the clans remaining on Draenor died after we killed them due to them being fel Orcs. We have no sources it seems.

They were in Netherstorm - Farahlon.
— Very much alive.

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In the MU, the Laughing Skull are dead. At least, those who aren’t fel orcs are dead. To my memory, we’ve not seen any MU members/survivors of the clan sans Mogor (who we killed shortly after meeting him and who isn’t an orc) that wasn’t a Fel Orc.

There were orcs in Netherstorm???

I am sure Farahlon wasn’t their home. According to WoD the laughing skull lived in southern Gorgrond.

Erevien your posts as of late are
well, engaging, thoughtful and not insulting.
I mean this in the most sincere way that I hope this keeps up am I happy for whatever changed.

That being said, I really dont know much about Orc lore but my guess would be Frostwolves. I remember hearing or reading that most of the Orcs now were from that clan? If not it would make sense seeing how they avoided most major conflicts other clans went though.


orc alone - weak, orc together - strong


No, that was my mistake got my lore mixed up with some other mumbo jumbo - They were in Farahlon (Which later became part of the Netherstorm) in accordance to what’s written via ‘Excerpts from the Journal of Archmage Vargoth’ – but then 
 well, Ner’Zhul - Fel orcs, Kael’Thas & Illidan’s shenanigans, yada yada yada etc. :joy:

Well, there’s also the possibility that a handful of them, along with other clans had either escaped or were sucked through to other worlds via the portals of Ner’Zhul when he tore the world asunder. :thinking:

I suppose whether that lore can be implemented is up to Blizzard though. :person_shrugging:

Laughing skull was in Gorgrond. Farahlon was taken by the Draenei and the Overgrowth.

That was after the soft-retcon. Prior to that the whole zone former to it being Netherstorm was Farahlon.

Also as I said, it was mentioned in the

‘Excerpts from the Journal of Archmage Vargoth’

Entry 1) First, an introduction. I am Archmage Vargoth, leader of the first Kirin Tor expedition to Draenor. We have accompanied Alliance forces through the Dark Portal, and now set up base camp - Kirin’Var Village - in Farahlon, near the ancestral home of the Laughing Skull clan of orcs. Such a lovely place!

Entry 42) Ley-line excavations continue, with pleasant results. We were surprised to find several similarities in the ley-line structures between Azeroth and Draenor, possibly indicating a similar genesis?
My close associate Naberius reports that the Laughing Skulls have established a truce with the Alliance forces in the area. Always distrustful of orcs, I thought to myself, “This could be heaven or this could be hell.”

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Wasn’t it explained by the dragonmaw guy that the dragonmaw used to be thunderlord clan? Or something along those lines?

No it wasn’t. From the warcraft 2 manual:

Background : Led by the Shaman Zuluhed, the Dragonmaw clan is a small but elite faction within the Horde. With its legacy dating back into the time before the Warlocks, the Dragonmaw was quick to become one of Blackhand’s strongest supporters in Azeroth.

From Chronicles 2:

The name of the Dragonmaw clan never changed, but its meaning surely did.

Blizzard can’t keep it straight. Initially in warcraft 2 it was a name it had since before the Dark portal opened. Later they soft retconned it to being a name after DP. Then by chonicles it was a name they had since before DP again and now it is a name they only got AFTER DP.

Like pick one already Blizzard and stick with it!

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