Which races looks best as DK in plate?

So I have a Forsaken male DK at 73 I’m levelling. He looks okay in plate, obviously in shambles as he is undead. My idea was since my undead is skeletal, I’ll have a lot of skeletal minions as Unholy so it’d be a bone party. I’m wondering if another Horde race might look better as a DK in plate though. Any thoughts? I’m open to a race change.

Void Elves - especially me.

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I mean, dwarf characters look good in plate because the plate armor is close together with few gaps. Same goes for Gnomes. But I’m biased with us smaller folk so…

It’s hard to go wrong with human and orc.


nightborne are basically wow’s supermodels. but overall it really depends on the set, pick any race and you can find a DK set or combo of goth looking gear in game to make them look good, even diaper gnomes.


I like how the T21 looks on female orc, but for male orc the shoulderpads look disconnected from the body. Can’t go wrong with dwarf or human, Nelf/nightborne look good on most of the sets. Forsakens depend a lot. Gnomes can go to hell

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I am a Mechagnome so my opinions here are automatically invalid. :joy: :robot:

They have good face and hair options, but they run kinda funny.

Also, I have yet to find a hairstyle that surpasses the awesomeness that is Nelf Female Shaggy so that puts them a big above Nightborne.

Nightborne also lack the “undead” skin tones that most of the core races have access to as DK’s.

Female orc is model is goated for a lot of gear.



And my unpopular take, Tauren.

Nightborne are just poor Night Elf copies

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Orc universally has the best armor models out of any other option.

The female model has the exact same build as human male but with slightly less shoulder width making almost any set a good fit.

Orc male on the other hand has a much larger build but smaller than tauren, making it the best for “light” plate mogs, all those shoulder plates that look small on most other races look great on male orc.

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Maybe controversial take since helmets look bad on them, but Tauren DK always look insane to me. Epic as hell juggernauts of death.

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Void/blood elf.

Humans have that super thick waist, not aesthetically pleasing and would lose in classic body building competitions.

They need to v taper human males.

The only drawback for the new elves is straight legged plate leg armor.

They have to wear the kilts or the onse with the thigh flairs

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If you want to look good in plate you need size.

My DK is Orc. But I guarantee you any of those options will be an intense visual experience if your coming from an Undead.

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I’ve been playing a night elf one and I think it looks good in plate as long as it is one of the newer sets with some bulk on the chest and legs.

Plus the melee animations are imo good for DK, very much look like some undead warrior who doesn’t care if it gets hit just wants to put as much power into their attack with their crazy over the top swings.

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Other than Orc, those all look horrible



Thanks all, I’m leaning towards Orc - possibly Zandalari. Are the huge orc shoulders in general good for mog? That T19 from Nighthold set looks fantastic.

Haha, nope!