Which race makes the better Death knight, void or blood elf?

Butterhooves tbh :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Blood Elf DKs actually make sense lorewise, so Blood Elf.

Plus we get a purge which goes with the DK antimagic type stuff.


Blood elves recharge runic energy and remove beneficial magic affects. It’s situationally fantastic. You also get arcane resistance for dealing with annoying casters as a slow boy, and crit is nice.

Void elves: Spatial rift gives you mobility although you need to plan ahead with it. It’s not a conventional blink. It’s very nice in PVP.

Entropic embrace since it increases your damage and healing. I don’t know if this works with self healing, but if it works like I think it does it will be nice.

Prenatural calm might as well be non-existent on melee.

#OFFENDED :angry:

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Don’t take it personally. When my BFF joined wow she was initially a femgoat shaman. She eventually faction changed to goblin and I always threaten to hack her account and faction change her back with that particular name. Rofl


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neither because the best death knight set boots are like 10x the size of the female elf legs

Aesthetic wise? I’m partial to troll and worgen.

i say blood elf arcane racial give Rp and removes a buff from mobs

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Gnome & Vulpera.

You just told me to Alt+F4 in Korrak’s Revenge.

Now I’m going to try to remember to post pics of goat feet every time you say something silly. :smiling_imp:

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Oh no :rofl::rofl::rofl: the horrors of being trolled back!!!

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The original death knights were Silver Hand knights risen from death. In life they were paladins. Human paladins. That said, there are many Sin’dorei such as Koltira Deathweaver and dread commander Thalanor who are on the higher rungs of Ebon Blade leadership and there since the beginning.

I just think they were extra decomposed humans who were raised to be DKs


Then I stand by my statement. Advanced undead lol

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Blood elf all the way

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Dwarf DKs are boss.

Human and Dwarf are the best for Alliance.
Orcs (green ones) are the best for Horde, maybe Goblin is good too because of Rocket Jump.

Pandaren trying to be taken seriously come off as…


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