Which race is best for Shamans?

I was going to make a Kul Tiran female shaman, but the mogs didn’t really suit her well… Dwarfs are just… idk… Draenie it is for me, what race do you think is the best shaman for racials/mog/etc.

I like kul tirans, but a lot of mogs do look odd.

Draenei if you’re looking for good looking mogs alliance side.

If appearance is a thing for you, Kul Tirans have awful mogs. However, their haymaker is really cool, useful in pve and pvp.

KT is op in pvp esp on packspirit rsham

aesthetically though female DI/drae op

kinda sick of orc atm

The one you want to stare at for hours on end… that’s really the only answer.


Come to the dark side


Well Tauren are the best race all around so there is that…

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The answer is always goblin.



I like the addd weight myself. Especially the witch face.

Then again I do have a thing for bears.:smiling_imp:


You too? :smiling_imp:

Personally, on the Alliance side, I usually end up Dranei. They’re a little big for me but they look amazing in Enhancement and I like their casting animations.

The mogs look a little weird around the middle for me with Pandaren but they look great casting, running, and fighting.

I like Dwarf but I’ve seen mogs get things cut off on belts and things and sometimes the weapons scrape through the ground. Fun animations, though.

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If alliance I’m always draenei the casting animation is my favourite.
If horde female orc shaman is the race I will come back to no matter what.
Though I am thinking of transfering to volperra when they come out. I love their totems

I race changed my male Draenei to a male DI Dwarf today and I’ve never been happier.

I’m just going to leave this here.


My shaman has been orc since I made it. But with the Vulpara I might be switching over to them. The male orc makes the shoulders mess up on some of the mogs.

If you can stand them there is always trolls. The regular trolls get the haste buff racial.

Panda. The answer is always Panda.


Off topic but it appears your forum character has reset. I know you’ve made more than 111 posts.

Guild moved servers since Bloodhoof/Duskwood is just dead. We keep getting 3-4 fights into mythic before attrition held us back.

Do you like the new server?

I ask because I have an alliance and horde toon on a medium pop server full of great people that don’t do much.

Haven’t been here long enough yet to really have an opinion. Its definitely more populated, with some…characters. My first day on it I got someone to switch to their Horde alt to send me “noob” whispers because I beat them multiple times in world pvp. Backstory : I suck at world pvp.

Guild took the holidays off from raiding, just now trying to get a solid 20ish people for 8.3.