Trying to decide between Kul Tiran ,Void Elf or Night Elf
I’d go with male except with the Night Elf just in case that matters when it comes animations etc.
My female night elf warrior is pretty hawt. So totally not biased.
Female nelf warrior just looks the best out of the three.
I’d recommend you make a level 1 of each and view how your favorite sets look on them.
Sometimes I’ve loved a set, race changed, and then found that set to be ugly looking.
For example the set this hunter is using, looks sooooo much better on a Z Troll.
But my vote goes to male Void elf.
This. The only reason I made my warlock undead is because all the sets look SO AMAZING on them. I don’t like the way they look on characters like blood elves
Of those, choices female NE.
I think the most important aspect is a really cool name and race combo so you feel invested in the character.
Male KulTiran.
Stohle - Sargeras I love my warrior
There’s no contest. Huge hulking man punches things away, charges to it, shrugs off dmg with a racial passive.
You look awesome carrying shields and 2hd weapons. Pure awesomeness.
And if you can’t choose an Orc, choose an Orc.
Warriors should be big and beefy especially if they’re tanks which is why Kul Tiran is a no brainer
This ^
Lets face it, Night Elf warriors are… ok.
Void elves are pansies.
Kul’Tiran are thickboi chads.
You know what to do OP.
It depends, are you going for racials or looks? For racials, go Night elf. For looks, go Void.
Out of those choice: KT
Theres no finer alliance warrior than dwarf, for the record.
Always draenei for Alli everyone’s always stunned how fabulous you are.
Typically I find Worgen, Dwarves, and Humans to be simply fitting for warriors the most personally but in your case. I think Night Elf is better suited, Kul’Tiran as a second choice. Void Elves if you prefer the High Elven look as close as possible.
Dark iron = bronzebeard dwarf > kultiran > human
Thats where id prioritize it personally. But who am i kidding? My alliance warrior is a void elf xD.
I’m going to throw a truly unique choice into the ring
Male Draenei
Build Like a Fridge
Best Lore in game
Draenei gives you a heal which offsets one of Warrior’s weaknesses
gonna second this.
would link a picture of my female night elf warrior but these forums are a joke…
human male paladin