Which pie do you feel would improve arena performance the most?

  1. Pumpkin

  2. Apple (lol)

  3. Key Lime


Mountain Dew (C) Gamer Fuel™ pie with 2 shots of insulin (1000 mg/dL) spiked with 20 mg of ritalin


3.14 Master Pi

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Obviously Apple Pie. However, with how uptight and angry some of the guys are on this forum, I think they would all benefit from partaking in a cream pie or two to take the edge off.


Imagine playing Horde but wearing BLUE :roll_eyes:

We been through this, creampies up your performance by 200%.

Oh plot twist, this isnt best tasting pie or best holiday pie, but best pie for boosting arena performance… hmmm ok.

I have a hard time seeing how any of the 3 can make me any worse, so I’ll take w/e got beggars can’t be choosers. (Feel like a good tangy Key Lime could be zone-inducing tho)

Your crusade against the best pie is telling.

You must be a communist to hate something so intrinsically American.


His hatred runs deep towards me. It all started when I said that Apple was the superior Thanksgiving Pie. I heard an eagle screech and a lightning bolt struck my Firebird the exact time I said it. I knew the spirit of our founding fathers were with me.


Meat pies are best, sugary pies are for girls.

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The disrespect on pecan lately is absolutely disgraceful

I’d rather eat efx’s mom’s famous meat pie.


Can you edit list and put Pecan pie too.

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Seafood chowder i bet

Pecan pie is the actual best but pumpkin is good too.

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For me it’s chicken pie.

You mean Pot Pie? Kennie, I’m about to add you to an Interpol Watchlist. Choose your words on your next post wisely.


Savory pies are better.

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Bacon and egg 100%.

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You mean a quiche? Uncultured swine.