Which Path Did You Take?

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    The look in Sylvanas’s eyes gave Saurfang pause. She was more annoyed than he would have expected. If the Horde managed to kill both Tyrande and Malfurion, yes, it would be a great victory that would weaken the Alliance, but the objective was supposed to be conquering the World Tree. That wedge would split the Alliance no matter who ruled the night elves.

    Saurfang considered, not for the first time, that Sylvanas wasn’t telling him everything.

    That was what war did. That was what it was for: to give civilized beings permission to do the unthinkable. Only then could you achieve the impossible.

    Sylvanas had learned that the hard way. Too many others probably never could.

    Elune had intervened. Perhaps she had even stayed Saurfang’s killing blow. And she wouldn’t be the only force beyond the Alliance to oppose Sylvanas’s true objective.