Which One Is The Worst WQ Ever?

What is every single quest in Suramar pre flight


Yup, I skip those unless it’s the only ones open and I’m over the zone lol.


Flappy bird, most stoopid WQ ever, they even give you a eazy mode its so pathetic.


Why do people have such problems with the wheelbarrow race? It’s over and done in 30 seconds.

Hit the first three speed boosts, then just hit every other speed boost.

Haven’t had an issue with that one in months, since I learned that strategy.


Bubbles can rot up there for eternity. I think it’s the only quest in bfa I never completed. As for SL. Bastion quests blow.


Another stupidly easy one people complain about. Gather 5 stewards, match them with the task. Takes 2 minutes and it’s fairly obvious which steward goes where.


Enigma, the ones you trace crap for in bfa, and anything involving “flight” including all the stupid kirin tor WQ and the ones in bastion. Because of my internet and lag all of them are literally impossible. Can do mid level mythic+ okay but not those WQ. GG blizz. :sob::sob::sob:

E. All Of The Above.

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Mushroom wq in mald. It’s so far out of the way and annoying to compete with everyone else.


There’s an island somewhere where there’s these crabs that dominate, coming out at night and swarming anything they can find to eat.

Some people think that’s what happened to Amelia Earhart, she had a cut when she landed her plane on that island and went to sleep that night and got swarmed.

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That’s like ce level WQ tbh. I finally was able to do it by just… ignoring where my toon was and moved as if he was somewhere he wasn’t yet on the screen and he just… finished it somehow.

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That’s one of my “no thanks” WQs. I’ll pass on it every time.

Wonder if they have data to show which WQs have the highest and lowest participation.

A lot of the ones I dislike are in Revendreth just because of the layout of that place. Once flight is in, they won’t be nearly so bad.

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I won’t do flappy bird at all. I’m tending to avoid the one in Bastion where you click on the bell and have to relive memories by closing the void portals. I solo most quests and you have to kill mobs that spawn near the portals but anyone can come along while you’re fighting and just click on the portal and you’re left without one for yourself. ugh.


I never said I had difficulty doing it.

Its just a terribly designed, buggy quest that had no right being released. They might fixed it by now but initially :

  • Someone from the opposite faction could till your Dredger even with WM off
  • If you went “too fast” the quest wouldn’t register as completed even if you beat the NPC
  • Since its not phased people can mount on Mammoths, Corehounds, Longbois and grief you by covering oil slicks

Spider on the Wall isn’t too bad. Would be nice if the stealth gave you a movement speed bonus to quicken it.

My least favorite is the flower jump quest in Bastion. It’s like the Bubbles quest in Nazjatar, but with less death and more repeating. Will only do that one if it has an excellent reward.

Others are just tedious like the hair plucker one in Maldraxxus and the collecting memories one in Bastion…they just take so long…blargh!

I miss the untangle the leylines WQs from Nazjatar. Those were so fun.


Catching the falling gnomes is one I refused to do more than once.


I’m not sure if this is mentioned, but my largest problem with this wq was the different types of stealth. Allow me to elaborate; If a mob has truesight, you can’t get very close to them at all, but with this spooder buff you not only see an outline but can actually get fairly close to them.

Now let’s say you have a trainee and you make the decision to take them along to Spider on the wall. Unless they changed this, this is a very bad idea. While you will have the enhanced quest stealth, your dum-dum trainee will have normal stealth and will aggro the angry chargey bois first onto them and then onto you.

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Sea Mist Potion makes those kinds of quests easy.

That race is one of the few enjoyable things in SL. I wish we could race other players.


Spriggan Anything!!! :sob: