Retribution pally
Assassination rogue
Enhancement shaman
Windwalker monk
Fury warrior
Frost dk
Which one of these is most fun and op to play?
Retribution pally
Assassination rogue
Enhancement shaman
Windwalker monk
Fury warrior
Frost dk
Which one of these is most fun and op to play?
That really depends on what you enjoy , enhance shaman for instance is more rng based for rotations than say a fury warrior or frost dk. Overall I do find enhance more fun and engaging due to it’s rng play style.
Ret does so well for almost 0 effort that it’s double the utilization rate of the second most used dps in the game across all keys. That being said. Monk.
Ret pally
Enhancement shammy
Windwalker monk
Frost dk (assuming you mean 2h oblit build)
Fury and assassin I have no opinion on.
Of those, Fury would be my choice. It’s fast paced and there is always a button to hit with every global.
Raider io would have me believe that it’s Retribution Paladin.
1/4 melee players are Retribution Paladins.
fun-> ww monk
op-> fdk
i guess ret pal would be a compromise between both somewhat. but then youre pink lol
frost dk is the only class left not broken
All of those are trash in the fun department compared to frost/arcane mage rn
BM Hunter, cause at least they are in the top 3.
Can confirm, my Arc Mage is amazing gameplay.
For fun? WW monk or fury warrior. Both with a female panda, because their animations for both of those classes are sick.
I would go warrior just because I reaaaaaally like how meaty their weapon strike sounds are when they fight
Eh… it never lasts long for us.
Ret Paladin, the rest aren’t even close.
Like, you’ll probably be playing another one of those classes, and you’d have to work 150-200% as hard to get the same results a Ret does lmao.
Monks are awesome, but they’re squishy as hell. They don’t have the free innate defensives that Paladins have.
A Ret, you can just be kinda braindead and still to tons of damage, and are invincible.
Rets are the BM Hunter of melee classes. There’s very little downsides, if any.
Hence their popularity. Players always migrate to what’s easy/broken.
And they got another talent rework recently or something? They already got a rework, mid-DF.
Most tweaked class, or at least up there with the most looked-at lol.
Fun and op are not the same.
For fun, you need to figure that out yourself because it’s different for everyone.
For op, there are lists all over the internet which run theory on dps to determine what is “the best”.
Which one is most fun to play? Yes.
Most OP? /Kermit shrug
Edit: as in the one that I felt was the most fun to play
I love pumping in keys and having my fps drop to a slideshow when I’m playing WW because plater SCT covers almost half of my screen with numbers every second.
Fury is the ultimate unga bunga spec, it’s literally 4 buttons outside of cds, and they just gigabuffed thane.