Which Night Fae Sanctum option to upgrade first?

I’m having a hard time finding any solid information about the rewards offered from upgrading the different options. I tried figuring it out from the tooltips, but they aren’t all that helpful.

I am not interested in cosmetics or mounts. I’m a casual solo player, so access to group content isn’t useful for me. I’m only interested in functional items (better gear or something that helps me craft better gear [leatherworking]).

  1. Transport Network. Looks to be for Marasmius rep, and as far as I can see, he doesn’t offer anything functional.

  2. Anima Conductor. Tier 3 gives “Night Fae Enhancements”, but what does that mean? Cosmetics?

  3. Command table. I see nothing useful here. Faster healing and faster missions? Meh.

  4. Queen’s Conservatory. This is what I chose to upgrade to Tier 2, because it is the only one that appears to offer anything useful, even though it’s probably going to take me months to get it upgraded to that point. But I can’t tell, because when the text says “Rare rewards”, for all I know, it’s a flower mount or something, and if I’m going to put that kind of time into something, I want a better dagger, at least.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance for sharing your experience.

If you don’t care about cosmetics or mounts at all, then you should go for either Transport Network and/or Command Table.

Transport network will help you get around around Ardenweald faster when you’re doing your dailies/world quests, as well as providing a portal from your sanctum to Oribos at rank 3.

Command table upgrades will let you send out your champions more often, which is good since you will eventually get Soul Ash and Stygia missions weekly that need decently strong champions and troops to complete. You can also earn a fair bit of gold from selling the runes and materials you get from several command missions. For example, I got 2 x5 rune missions today. Each rune sells for 900-1k gold on my server. For essentially what was 30seconds of clicking, I’ve now earned almost 10k gold once I’ve sold them on the AH.


Just some extra comments on the other two:

Anima conductor rewards are mostly cosmetic. However, a SUPER long term reward for it is access to an item that lets you unlock legendary memories. Don’t plan on ever raiding, but want a legendary from it? This lets you do so. Do note however, that it might take weeks to 2 months of near daily log-ins to be able to gain access to this.

Queen’s conservatory main rewards are materials, but these are all the fairly cheap. You’re much better off doing (or starting on) the command table, which requires less time to get going. The only gear I’ve ever gotten from it too are just random greens, and transmog cosmetics.


Anima conductor for memories if you don’t wanna run all forms of content. Mission table eventually has mounts as rewards so there’s that. Personally I don’t find any of the upgrades worth grinding anima for and only do my 1000 anima renown quest every week and then don’t farm any anima till next reset.


Thanks much for responses! I’m thinking I’ll go Command Table – I like money.

Queens conservatory last

First portal to Oribos, then more quests then followers lastly queens conservatory for vanity items

Command table is a waste of gold and anima, imo. I’m going for Anima Conductor at rank 2, then Conservatory up to rank 3. I have rank 1 travel network, so I’ve got the ability to work towards the cosmetics. But I could care less outside of that. A one way portal is worthless to me to waste that kind of anima.

I would only do 1 level of the command table to send followers on missions for more Anima.

Save the Anima for Covenant Gear Upgrade Ranks. You Can buy up to 7 Ranks of your Covenant gear ilvl upgrades with Anima.

Once you max out all your gear Ranks, then you can do the other stuff, if you wish.


I did Mr. Mushroom first because I wanted the pets and mounts.


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We all need as much anima as we can get soooooooooooo…

Very practical advice, thanks!