Dark Age of Camelot I do not know, but I find it quite hard that it takes the title of best PvP ever in an MMO from GW1. Gotta take a look at it, even if only by videos.
DAoC definitely wins out over GW1
Their siege battles were freaking EPIC
Speaking of it though, GW1 isn’t actually an MMO, the developers never even refer to it as such.
I miss foraging in the first Everquest. Free food if it’s your racial (and good, everyone must eat in EQ quite literally), but if it’s a class skill you could level it into all sorts of craziness. It was another type of gathering, kind of the prototype to gathering professions as we know them. All you had to do was hit a button on cooldown, and what you got was dependent upon skill level and zone. The fact that it was basically a slot pull that you could try to game a little was maybe why it had me so hooked.
Tbh videos don’t do it justice. The graphics are very dated and the movement system is very archaic compared to modern day mmos which is very offputting to a lot of players, especially the newer generation.
This is from MMOs I’ve played and what I got to do in them so far (still progressing in a few of them) :
End-game: WoW
PvP: WoW
Story: FFXIV and SW:ToR
Combat: Tera, BDO, PSO2 (I prefer action combat)
Quests/Leveling: GW2 and SW:ToR
Community: FFXIV
Music: FFXIV
Graphics: BDO
Character customization: BDO, BnS, PSO2
Crafting: FFXIV
Mogging: WoW for the system, any Asian MMO for the styles and variety of armors
Housing: Wildstar and FFXIV (the first-come/first-serve is a detriment though)
ESO…gathering like it SHOULD be
ESO…FAST world travel, even though it doesnt have flight
ESO…public dungeons and delves
ESO…Doesnt punish me so much for preferring to play solo
so you are a ESO fanboy or simply do not know other games?
stick to the TOPIC and OFF my person.
I liked TERA’s everything way better than WoW, just in general. But my potato couldn’t handle it so it was back to this game, since you can run it on a toaster, and now I’m pretty sure TERA’s dead.
why so salty? I was curious as to why would you promote ESO as the best when most would likely not agree, simply asked if it was because you are a fanboy of the game, which has nothing wrong with, or if you didn’t know other games so making you just unaware of better systems
For me:
Story: toss between ESO and FFXIV - though FFXIV only earns this from about 3.1 onward (starting with the Heavansward patches).
Combat: I’d also give this to Guild Wars. Honorable mentions to FFXIV past level 70, and ESO outside of raids.
Raiding and boss fight design: FFXIV. No honorable mentions because the gap is just too wide.
Lore: ESO, honorable mention to Guild Wars 1 and then Guild Wars 2 from the second expat and forward. FFXIV got good for this only in Shadowbringers. WoW, is just bad here… too much inconsistent writing and retconning (this is also why launch Guild Wars 2 misses it, too much retcon of GW1).
PvP: Guild Wars 1 and ESO - hard to say which I prefer. Basically a question of is it an odd day or an even day…
Dungeon / small group play: this is really weird. the best and worst here are the same game: Guild Wars 2. Launch dungeons and early fractals: the worst. Current and new fractals: the best. The difference in enjoyability is just night and day. No one else is anywhere near as bad, or near as good.
Best toon customization: Guild Wars 2 and ESO. But more Guild Wars 2 because you really can go way off meta and still be good.
Best transmoging: FFXIV.
Best choice of player races: WoW. But it’s also the worst because of the faction split.
Most enjoyable open world experience: ESO. I can just go out there and ‘do / be’ all day long and not get bored. And there are always other players around no matter how obscure of a location I try to find. The visuals are amazing, the random NPCs feel alive, everything just feels like its so vibrant.
Best game for alt fanatics: Guild Wars 2. Everything is account bound and it’s just so easy to spin up a new alt and enjoy. Honorable mention to ESO because ‘almost’ everything is account bound. Worst: FFXIV - they seem to think that because you CAN level every class on character you will never WANT an alt, so they make it extremely hostile to anyone who actually does like alts - even to the point of doubling the cost of the subscription if you have an alt. In FFXIV you cannot share anything with your own alts - can’t send them items or coin, can’t let them enter your house, can’t self invite them into your groups / guilds (in GW2, if I log out on one toon and log into another - I’m still in group. In both GW2 and ESO, I join guilds by my account, not my toon).
Original Everquest- players created their own community from auction location to a taxi system.
Open world raiding. Wow guilds seeking world first in an instance doesn’t compare to mobilizing and racing an entire guild across the world when a boss spawns
Risk vs reward exploring. You want to zone into Veeshans peak, go ahead but you might not get out with you gear.
Also for anyone interested I played the new world preview
That took the cake for combat, even though it’s been changed a bit for what looks like the better overall
The world design was off guts aside from a few towns looking the same but I believe they are mixing them up
And the trade skills were top notch and have only gotten better
Graphics are wild too
since I assembled this list to think about the question, I thought I’d just post the list. Only including the top three:
World of Warcraft
- WoW does gameplay and end game content (frequency of updates) best.
- WoW does the best job at facilitating cooperation/interaction.
- WoW aesthetics (exaggerated, cartoony) are a turnoff, particularly the fact that you can’t get a race with a roughly proportional frame (except maybe blood and void elves)
- WoW’s story is pretty much non-existent, especially class stories
Star Wars: The Old Republic
- SWTOR class, companion, and leveling stories are in a class of their own, including amazing cut-scenes and interactive choices that have real affects on character development
- SWTOR’s companion/pet system is great fun. You get to shape your player’s relationship to/with his companions as well as selecting a healer, dps, or tank roll for them
- Character models look good, along with the environment
- SWTOR is very friendly to solo players. With “story mode” “dungeons” and highly customizable companions, you can chew up all content but raids as a solo player (double-edged sword)
- SWTOR almost encourages players not to group up. It’s an MMO. heh.
- SWTOR’s game engine has always been bad. It’s better now but still worlds worse game play than WoW. There are a lot of desync issues with the many fancy movement abils in the game
- SWTOR support/updates are very slow, few and far between, whether it’s balancing issues or bugs.
Guild Wars
I don’t play this nearly as much, but…
- the world pvp option was unique and interesting
- the way abilities worked in combat where you only had a few action buttons, but the option for each button changes depending on resources (e.g., energy or maelstrom)
- it’s not subscription based!
- cut scenes are terrible
- campaign is not engaging
- graphics aren’t very fluid
" ffix is awesome, good etc " THEN GO AND PLAY IT ! Oh so cool all characters copied from one another and grapich is youtube animation joke.
I agree WoW is best MMO.
I wouldn’t argue that’s a positive in a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER online game
Personally I’d prefer a full solo system where you are people to make the content slightly less punishing
But you need games like RuneScape for that to work because if you bring more people you have to split the loot
For community, housing, crafting/selling and PvP…Ultima Online will always be one of, if not the best memories for me.
Was always a pleasure when the Orc clans would invade…those guys literally learned to speak Orcish just to stay in role and they came with numbers…good times.
Storytelling- FF14: expansion spanning stories, fairly epic storylines within each expansion, and a pretty lively cast of NPC’s (Honorable Mention The Secret World, and Starwars the Old Republic)
Community- WoW: Like it or hate it, no game has been able to touch the sheer number of players wow has (FF14 has inched closer tho) add to that how talkative and open the community is, even with the calls of toxicity, you still run into ALOT of good.
Endgame- WoW: I always heard about Wildstars endgame but never played it, so it has to go to wow, the sheer amount of stuff to do at max level and uniqueness of the various raids has always been impressive and the games strongpoint.
Questing- The Secret World: From stealth missions, to puzzle missions, to combat missions, to missions that required you to ‘hack’ webpages made for the game by the publisher, Secret world did questing in a way no one ever did, with each mission having its own self contained storyline that was fairly interesting and how many of them tied together in the end, it was a labor of love.
PvP- Scarlet Blade: Tried it for the lol’s, stayed for the PvP. PvE was basiclly nonexistant, and the game made up for it with fast paced PvP, fairly balanced classes (sorta, the defender and whipper with max upgraded gear was a monster of a tank unless you had a healer to use their 1 shot on them or were willing to kite), plus the zone wide epic battles for the zone bosses was a ton of fun. (Honorable Mention for WoW here)
Classes- FF14- With a bunch of classes, each with their own flavor and ability to swap between them, it still feels the best to me in terms of enjoyment from the classes, striking that nice balance between useful stuff and fluff.
Customization- City of hero’s: Good god where to start, between the MASSIVE amount of customizing your outfit, your powerset, secondary powers, how each power behaved (cooldown, cost, damage, healing, ect ect) you honestly would have a truly unique char. (Honorable Mention- The secret world, the lack of classes and picking powers based on weapons made it very interesting along with no armor, so your outfit was just a outfit)
Overall there have been some great MMO’s over the years, with everyone of them having their own unique strengths (Age of conan for example had some pretty nice animation and models, ditto with Blade and soul), and weaknesses (many of them suffered under the lack of community, or balance for a long while until no one would give them a shot) that made all of them worth trying.
Something else I’d give to GW2 - best overall polish. When your character idles, they fidget and mess with their weapons. Your character comments on the world around them w/ voice acting, and remark upon things happening to them such as taking damage, getting debuffed, or gaining boons.