Which is superior? Cats or Dogs

You can’t put a price on an animal companion :frowning:


You do understand dogs are pack animals, right? You’re comparing apples to oranges. They have different behaviors. I once had a friend say he hated cats because they ate their owners when they die. I had to explain to him they do that because a cat’s liver shuts down 24-48 hours when starving. Most people that don’t like cats, don’t understand them.

Personally, I love both cats and dogs. I don’t have the latter right now, but my cats greet me at the door and follow me room to room (have one in my lap and one sleeping nearby).


I guess you never been to South Korea. Quite opposite there. Don’t eat at some of the street food vendors.

Birds are best. My cockatiel Joe has more personality than any dog or cat.


im impartial to animals meaning they don’t bother me. have had many over the years. dogs, cats, fish, other types like worms, birds, etc…

of the 2 though i prefer dogs more. why? because well majority of our cats idk they weren’t say affectionate in the sense that if you wanted to pet them they didn’t like that. as they got older then they started to become more affectionate but im not sure if this is because they needed more assistance or what. about 99% of our cats were either rescues/strays we took in. we’ve had a LOT of um given the strays did not always make it health issues.

i have a min pin she was the runt of her family so she was tiny af when a puppy and i mean literally tiny af. i could literally hold her in 1 hand she could fit in my palm that is how small she was at 8 weeks. she is my best friend though but she is older now so kind of more on the mellow side but still very active.

i just like animals in general growing up my dad didn’t allow us to have pets and actually got mad when we took in the strays and i mean he was PISSED… not entirely sure why tbh but i think it is because when they pass away he becomes a big baby. wants to act all macho and what not

Cats are lovable.
Dogs are lovable.

Why pick one when you can have both?

wiggles toes


I love my border collie.

Wife loves cats.


I love this. It’s so true.

I’ve had cats all my life. Just not a dog person but I do like them. I’d never own a bird.

A bird can do one really cool thing and I think it’s a shame to take that away from them and force them to be pets.

Team cat always

I love doggos too though, cats are just more my type. My kitty sleeps on my lap when i’m at my pc :blush:


Cats. Too many bad dog owners that leads to bad dogs. Won’t find cats breaking out of their yard attacking people. I carry pepper spray with me on my walks for that exact reason. Have had numerous dogs just run up to me out of nowhere with no owner in site.

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I like both–I like basically all animals.

That being said, as pets I prefer dogs, specifically huskies.

They’re very intelligent and will straight up have a conversation with you. It’s amusing.

Ferrets are also cute, as an honorable mention.


So dogs win, right?


I really like cats :weary:
I’m actually deathly afraid of dogs irl
Been getting better trying to get accustomed to small dogs but even when one barks it turns me 180

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There is no question. It will always be Cats.

(My boy, Sylveon. :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:)


A cute cat with my fav Pokemons name :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: i already have my shiny Sylveon in Arceus through sheer good luck

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It’s my perception that your question depends on in what sense you mean superior. Dogs have owners/family. Cats have staff.

clearly the :cat:

I have 3 cats and a dog.
This isn’t really a superior in this case it depends on what you want. My dog makes a great organic security alarm lol. He’s a pomchi

(not him, image from google)

and he’s really quiet :relieved: He just chills and sunbathes all day long, but when someone comes to my house he’s a bark machine :laughing:

As for cats, I live in a rural area and every year exactly one field mouse finds its way into my house and every year one field mouse finds himself greeted by three cats :laughing: So they are great for that. Cats also have the advantage of not needing walks as they have (3) a litter box.

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Athleticism: cats.
Personality and intelligence: dogs.

…although I must say this: the most intelligent quadropet I ever knew was my daughter’s cat. This animal was part problem-solver, part-monkey, and it was amazing watching him figuring things out (generally centering on how to get around the cat gate to the upstairs).

When he died, the world definitely got a little dimmer.