Take it from a person that had both ,cats have it. They give you the same love but they can be just like a human, demanding.
My dog and cat love playing with each other. I’d say they are the hysterical ones!
I prefer cats but neither is superior over the other. Depends on your personality. If you’re more extroverted and energetic you’ll probably appreciate a dog more. I’m generally a low energy, low mood kind of person so I prefer just chilling out and cats are like 99% chill.
On the one hand, I love dogs and am allergic to cats . . . one the other hand big cats are awesome, cheetahs and lions in particular . . . On the other hand so are wolves . . . ON THE OTHER HAND smilodon is one of my favorite prehistoric beasts . . . Hrrrrrrrm . . .
Dog because I can take my dog to places like going out for walks, visiting family, going to the store, wherever. I wouldn’t be able to do with a cat.
the Fox is superior because its cat software on dog hardware.
It all depends on if you’re the kind of person who…
Just kidding! It’s cats.
Both. I have three huskies and a kitteh.
For my own pet? Cat.
I like dogs just fine when they are my friend’s dogs, and I can visit and leave the mess there. Too much work to have one of your own. It’s like a toddler.
Dogs eat out of the kitty litter and greet each other by sniffing their butts.
Cats are better
If you don’t like dogs, you don’t understand loyalty.
If you don’t like cats, you don’t understand freedom.
I love both. We have several cats, all rescues.
We did have a dog, but she sadly passed from old age a few years ago, so we haven’t had another dog since then. I’m ready, but I think my partner needs more time (and says the cats are already “too much”).
I really want a Husky, but I keep getting shut down. One day…
Dogs: “The human fills my dish with food every day. He must be God.”
Cats: “The human fills my dish with food every day. I must be God.”
The correct answer is birds.
I prefer dogs but I love both
You can’t because your trust level is too low.
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I’ll do you a solid:
Not sure if any one has ever read these, but they are really, REALLY, funny: