All specs, all content. I’m having a hard time choosing between these myself. Although I tend to focus on Mythic+ and PvP.
Paladin Beat shaman everyday.
No I’m not bias… Your face is bias
Shaman hands down. They are the casters with the most armor due to mail, they get a shield as well. However for pvp most go with enhancement.
SL Meta is Paladin. They get 7 second stun which feels like years for pvp. And a bubble and they are their own healer.
I just personally prefer shaman.
If Vulpera could be paladins it would be so adorable.
Shaman for me because I don’t much care for melee dps in WoW.
I could go either way but, in my opinion, Paladin is more versatile.
Shaman and it’s not even close.
Enhance is more fun than Ret.
- a ret Paladin player.
Shaman (Enhanced) used to be a heap of fun to play, just build up a stack of Maelstroms and pound away on your victim or better go Ascended and really put the hurt on them, and if you got hurt, a five Maelstrom stack heal would almost bring you back to full health. Plus you have two magic doggies to help. Fun stuff. Now? Not so much.
I like Shaman more personally. I hate the races that Shaman can play though, you basically have to be a waggle grill if you want to play a Shaman on Alliance-side.
Maybe one day we’ll get Night Elf Shaman.
I used to play a Paladin as my main but have a hard time getting back into it these days. Blood DK just seems like a funner tank. I’ve never been able to get a Shaman past being a bank alt.
Paladin because I can tank on him.
Also, the Blood Knight class fantasy is great. Or uh… It used to be, nowadays they are basically human paladins that don’t worship the Light as a religion.
Paladin for me currently, enjoyed enhancement shaman, but Blizz can’t seem to decide on what they want to do with it and I’m tired of having to relearn my shaman what seems like every expansion. The Paladin has at least remained somewhat stable in its design.
I like them both. If I were forced to choose though, I’d pick Pally simply because you can play all three roles.
Shaman funner but Paladins got the better mogs
I currently play both.
Ret is my favorite DPS spec and resto my favorite heal between the two.
Shaman, we have heroism. And in Wrath Classic this is going to be most pronounced. Either you have a shaman or your raid is screwed.
Shaman just because I hate holy power, it makes the paladin’s rotation feel so predictable and boring.
I like that shamans are lightning mages. I don’t like that king shaman stole the Deathwing Killing blow and cheating to kill Garrosh, so Paladin.
Go Paladin
Paladin,of course.