Which is harder, Naxx or Gamma?

In P1 players did Naxx in greens and blues and no one batted an eye. Now in P4 if queue for Gamma with anything less than TOGC gear everyone loses their minds!

Insert Joker meme here


Blizzard has given the players the power to police their own groups, you should probably get over it.


If your group is in greens and blues you won’t make the DPS check to kill tentacles on HOL

Jokes on you. Try it. I dare you.


Greens and blues will get you to 210ilvl?

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Show me blues that are above 200 ilvl and greens are 187.

You literally want hand outs


How many more times do you need to rephrase the same exact thread lol

You’re either a massive troll or you’re just obsessed

(posting to a forum 8000+ times “as a goof” isn’t really a thing lol)


If some of your gear is 187/200 then you have to have some pieces that 220 230+ to be able to queue for gammas, it’s not rocket science.

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Those were his handouts.

Now he wants more handouts using the handouts he got as justification that his gear is good enough to get handouts

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Oh look, another posting about the same thing over and over and over and over again. I’m sure we’ll see a new thread in another 3 - 5 days from you (if it takes you that long).


You can get 245 gear from badges from regular heroics now. So no it’s easily possible to get to 210 ilvl for gammas while still having quite a few much lower pieces.


You can get well above 210 just in regular heroics

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Not with only greens and blues and those ppl farmed hear to get to gamma

Exactly so it’s pretty easy to move into gamma while still having some lower pieces.

You literally can’t queue for Gamma in only greens and blues, so I’m sure what your point is.

I’ve seen players requiring 5.3k GS to do Patchwerk must die. Its quite interesting to see how much the requirements have gone up over time.

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Because why lower yourself to a other bracket when you have half a dozen alts u need to do on the raid.

I only have one 80 but I understand why they require it.

Simply find a more new player friendly raid instead of complaining to everyone?

If you’re doing less DPS than I did as phase 1 fury pre patch in these gammas then I’m going to kick you :skull:

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Solid point, So Blizz should raise the item level requirement for these dungeons is what you are saying. Perhaps RDF shouldn’t que you into dungeons that will auto fail if you met the requirement. Just saying.

Valid point

Where am I complaining? I just make my own group, set the limit to ilvl 200, and invite the first people that apply. We kill it just fine.

I think I clicked wrong one lol I thought u were op for a min